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The SAML container for authenticating with the university and logging users into

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The ASWWU SAML container used to authenticate students with the university login. The ASWWU SAML files are contined on the server in /data/aswwu-saml


The SAML container has a few endpoints that handle logging in and out along with viewing the SAML data. There are also query parameters to modify the SAML function.


  • / - Base SAML page which supports SAML operations
  • /attrs/ - Page to view the current user's SAML attributes, useful for debugging or clearing cookies on the SAML site
  • /metadata/ - Page that serves our SP metadata, this is used by ADFS

On the base / endpoint, multiple query parameters can be used to adjust what type of SAML operation is performed. They are as follows:

Query Parameters

  • ?sso - Used to initiate the sign on procedure, can be linked to on the ASWWU sites
  • ?slo - Used to initiate the log out procedure, can be linked to on the ASWWU sites
  • ?redirect=URI - Used to redirect the user back to a page after login or logout, if not included the user will be redirected to the homepage
  • ?sls - Used by ADFS to handle logging out
  • ?acs - Used by ADFS to communicate with the container

The first three query parameters can be used by ASWWU sites to handle the login and logout functionality.


Some examples of possible queries to the container would be:

  • - This query will start the login process for the user and redirect them to the mask after it completes
  • - This query will start the logout process for the user and redirect them to the default homepage location after it completes


Setup steps for deploying in production.


NGINX must be configured to serve the SAML site over SSL on Configure a new site and serve it over https to Also create a new location as follows:

location / {
  proxy_pass    ;
  proxy_set_header        Host               $host;
  proxy_set_header        X-Real-IP          $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-For    $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-Host   $host:443;
  proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-Server $host;
  proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-Port   443;
  proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-Proto  https;

Look at the NGINX repository for more configuration details.


Onelogin Python Toolkit expects that certificates for the SP be stored in the saml/certs/ directory:

  • sp.key - Private Key
  • sp.crt - Public cert
  • sp_new.crt - Future Public cert (optional)

Also you can use other cert to sign the metadata of the SP using the:

  • metadata.key
  • metadata.crt

You will also need to add the signing and encryption X509 certificates in saml/settings.json. There is a settings.json.sample file that you can copy and fill in the settings. Also another file will need to be added, saml/advanced_settings.json there is also ain advanced_settings.json.sample in the same place that can likely be copied without modification unless settings need to change for ADFS.

Build and Start

Before you can build, you must copy the .env.sample file to .env and add in the appropriate details. Each environment variable is described below:

  • DJANGO_ENV - Should be either prod or dev
  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY - Should be a randomly generated Django secret key
  • DJANGO_TAG - The Docker tag for the image that is built by Docker Compose
  • DJANGO_PORT - The port that django should start on internally, not through the reverse proxy
  • SAML_CERTS_DIR - The directory where the SP certificates should be stored
  • SAML_KEY - The key that the API server expects to authenticate SAML users and retrieve their cookie
  • SAML_URL - The domain where the SAML container is running, this will likely break the site if not set to
  • SITE_URL - The domain where the SAML container should redirect to, should be or

Once you have setup you .env file, you can build and run the Docker container:

$ docker-compose up -d --build

Docker Compose can be install with apt if necessary.


In the case of errors, there is a settings in saml/settings.json called debug that can be set to true. Once this is set, you can restart the server with:

$ docker-compose restart

Restarting the server will apply all new settings and certificates in the saml directory. You should now see debug messages if there are login issues.

Certificate Maintenance

ADFS will eventually roll over their certificates, they will need to be updated in the saml/settings.json file. The certificates can be found in the Federation Metadata provided by the university. There is a section in the file call IDPSSODescriptor, within this section there will be three KeyDescriptor sections containing the encryption certificate first and the two signing certificates next. These long lines are the certificates that can be added in the saml/settings.json file.

Use the command in the Debugging section to restart the server and use the new certificates.


The SAML container for authenticating with the university and logging users into






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