This was our 2nd project. We were given a hypothetical scenario with Microsoft Companies being the stakeholder. Wanting to open a movie studio.
Three recomendations for Microsoft for movie production studio debut Microsoft well known tech company is expanging into the film industry They would like to know what makes a high grossing movie
What we'll do is coordinate internet sourced data from formadable movie database site, in order to propose what direction Microsoft studios should go for their studio premier. Key aspects valued are genre, location and gross values in comparison to initial production costs.
Our data is gathered from the Internet Movie Database and The Numbers Websites. I have chosen production budgets, domestic and world_wide gross numbers to create our database file to help us see why these factors should be considered. The specific details I curated into the database will be discussed as we go into detail of what's measured and how we use it to address the needs of Microsoft Studios.