Note : Dependency for macOS : brew install pkg-config cairo pango libpng jpeg giflib librsvg Dependency for Linux (Ubuntu) : sudo apt-get install build-essential libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev librsvg2-dev
Note : NFT Generator Code is from - nftchef
- 1 : Edit config/layers.json and Update layersOrder value with the Layers Name in Correct order. 1.1 Add The Layer Files in "unprocessedLayer" folder 1.2 Add # with number 1-100 to define rarity in the file names of the various traits. example -> "RedShoes#10"(10 -> Only 10% of nfts will have that trait) ,"BlueShoes#50" ( 50 -> 50% of nfts will have that trait)
- 2 : Edit config/format.json: Update the height & width
- 3 : Add the incompatible layers by following the instructions in config/incompatible-example.txt 3.1 Change Description in "/project_folder/src/config.js" line 20 3.2 Change baseUri in "/project_folder/src/config.js" line 22 3.3 Change startIndex in "/project_folder/src/config.js" line 30
- 4 : Important : Use Node v14 and Python v3.8 or similar 4.1 Install the node packages by going in the project folder and running : "npm i" in the console 4.2 Install the python dependencies by running : "pip install -r requirements.txt" 4.3 Install imagemagick For You Operating System ( <- from here. 4.4 Install ffmpeg - 4.5 Update the imagemagick config to work with large files -
- 5 : Generate : 5.1 : Run "python3" 5.2 : Run "npm run generate" 5.3 : Run "python3" 5.4 : Run "python3" 5.5 : (Optional) To generate mp4s run "python3"
- 6 : Rarity: Run "node utils/rarityData.js" to get rarity stats for nfts
Note : the layer config/layers.json file is defining the layerConfiguration Object which is object here - So the properties used in can also be provided to the config object at path config/layers.json.
Note: Only the Generate and Rarity Info Code works with the added GIF Module