Activiti Cloud libraries and Spring Boot starters.
Running on GH Actions.
For Dependabot PRs to be validated by CI, the label "CI" should be added to the PR.
Requires the following secrets to be set:
Name | Description |
BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN | Token to launch other builds on GH |
BOT_GITHUB_USERNAME | Username to issue propagation PRs |
DOCKERHUB_USERNAME | Docker Hub repository username |
DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD | Docker Hub repository password |
NEXUS_USERNAME | Internal Maven repository username |
NEXUS_PASSWORD | Internal Maven repository password |
RANCHER2_URL | Rancher URL for tests |
RANCHER2_ACCESS_KEY | Rancher access key for tests |
RANCHER2_SECRET_KEY | Rancher secret key for tests |
SLACK_NOTIFICATION_BOT_TOKEN | Token to notify slack on failure |
The local .editorconfig
file is leveraged for automated formatting.
See documentation at pre-commit.
To run all hooks locally:
pre-commit run -a