Set up a development environment in a single container.
Ubuntu 16.04 | Nginx | MySQL | PHP 7.0 | phpMyAdmin | Composer | Symfony
This project is a fork of naei/docker-lempfony.
It adapt it for the need of Adactive/Signall projects by adding the following components:
- Ant
- Capistrano 3.4.0
- Configuration files:
- PHP / PHP-FPM conf.d
- User bash configs for XDebug, Symfony, Composer...
- Composer plugins:
- fxp/composer-asset-plugin
- sstalle/php7cc
- bamarni/symfony-console-autocomplete
- escapestudios/symfony2-coding-standard
- PHP modules:
- php7.0-json, php7.0-sqlite3, php7.0-recode, php7.0-imap, php7.0-curl, php-apcu, php-xdebug, php7.0-snmp
- Redis
docker pull signall/lempfony
Clone the project, access it from your terminal, then build it:
docker build \
--build-arg mysql_root_pwd=<custom_pwd> \
-t signall/lempfony .
If --build-arg [...]
is not set, MySQL credentials will be root:development.
docker run -it --rm --name lempfony -p 80:80 \
-v <workspace/conf/lempfony>:/etc/opt/lempfony/volume \
-v <workspace/conf/nginx-sites>:/etc/nginx/sites-available \
-v <workspace/log>:/var/log \
-v <workspace/mysql>:/var/lib/mysql \
-v <workspace/www>:/var/www \
For detached mode, replace the first line by:
docker run -dit --name lempfony -p 80:80 \
The data volumes are optionals and can be added or removed depending on the needs.
If you need to have commands executed after the services launch, you can create a script and share it in a data volume within /opt/lempfony/volume, which is a folder dedicated to user-specific files. For detailled information about it, you can take a look at the example workspace on the upstream repository.
From the container shell, you can quickly setup a functionnal new Symfony app:
symfony-create <app-name> [symfony-version]
Your project will be immediately accessible at <app-name>.dev .
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' lempfony
You might need to add the local domain name into about:config > network.dns.localDomains
The Symfony project creation process works with symlinks. By default on Windows, only an administrator can create symlink, so be sure that the Docker terminal is launched as an administrator.
➢ Windows host: the local domain names are accessible from inside the container but not from a web browser
Each domain name must be binded to the Docker container's IP in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file: