You can 'install' with the
python develop
will create a python module in your environment that updates as you update the code. It can then be imported like a regular python module:
import lstm_inflector
Train a sequence to sequence LSTM for morphological inflection generation. An example is given in experiments/
. See
for all options, including a bidirectional or unidirectional encoder, as well as including attention or not.
The Attention function is, I believe, from Luong et al 2015. We may want to implement Bahdanau attention as well/instead.
The input data format for the sigmorphon_data
dataset setting is the same as the SIGMORPHON shared tasks: a file where each line is a tab-delimited string of (lemma, surface form, bundle of morphological tags).
Dropout can also be added to the LSTM, which currently does not use it.
This code assumes python 3.9 - or at least any version where the click
library is in the standard python library.