This deploy multiple services in google api engine along with back-end using google datastore.
You can deploy this using the follwing command:
gcloud app deploy blogs/app.yaml rot13/app.yaml user-login/app.yaml
You can access the services using the following URLs:
blogs -
The following are the URL handlers :
webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/blogs/write', MainPage),('/blogs', BlogsHandler)])
rot13 -
The following are the URL handlers :
webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/rot13', MainPage)])
user-login -
The following are the URL handlers :
webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/user_login', MainPage),('/thank_you', ThankyouPage)])
def write(self, *a, **kw):
self.response.out.write(*a, **kw)
The above function writes out the HTML file in the browser.
def render_str(self, template, **params):
t = jinja_env.get_template(template)
return t.render(params)
The above function takes template and parameters and replacing the variables in HTML with parameters.
def render(self, template, **kw):
self.write(self.render_str(template, **kw))
This final function combines the other two into one convenient function.
This handler class is inherited by all other handlers and this generic handler inherits form webapp2.RequestHandler