- MsVauto is a tool created by Adkali with love. Using the tool, gives the option to generate payloads easly with msfvenom.
- Use the correct syntax, choose payload and have fun while hacking, good luck.
- This tool allows you to generate payloads with msfvenom automatically.
- Choose which payload you want, press enter and receive it without writing it.
- You have the option to encode the payload you choose.
- Made by Adkali with love.
This tool created for making auto payloads with msfvenom by choosing from a list of payloads. use the correct syntax, and run the script. for help use the "-h" flag. tested on kali linux, but it sould not have problems running it on other distribution.
- chmod +x /On/The/File
- [ BashScript.bash ] [ LocalHost ] [ LocalPort ]
- for help, use the "-h" flag.
- Non Meterpreter Binaries [Staged] [Windows] - Windowsx64x86
- Non Meterpreter Binaries [Staged] [Linux] - LinuXx64x86
- Non Meterpreter Binaries [Stageless] [Windows] - Windowsx64x86
- Non Meterpreter Binaries [Stageless] [Linux] - LinuXx64x86
- Non Meterpreter Web Payload PHP, ASP, JSP, WAR
- Meterpreter Binaries [Staged] [Windows] - Windowsx64x86
- Meterpreter Binaries [Staged] [Linux] - LinuXx64x86
- Meterpreter Binaries [Stageless] [Windows] - Windowsx64x86
- Meterpreter Binaries [Stageless] [Linux] - LinuXx64x86
- Meterpreter Web Payload PHP, ASP, JSP, WAR