A runelite plugin for showing bank value over time. It's currently in the alpha stage, so please feel free to request features/report bugs in Github's issue tracker.
Please consider buying me a coffee if you enjoy the plugin c:, thank you.
- Track multiple accounts (drop down for changing account).
- Graph of bank value over time.
- Simple time range selection (All, Today, Past 24 hours, Last week, etc.).
- Advanced time selection (Date/time).
- Panel in right-hand view can be expanded in a new window.
Allow tracking of individual tabs.Select data for a specific tabAllow customizing when data is stored. It currently happens each time you open the bank which isn't ideal.- Allow values to be displayed in the y-axis as their formatted values (e.g 32.23m).
- Add user feedback when adding a new data entry/pressing refresh button
- Switch selected bank tab automatically based on current bank tab (toggle by setting).