A simple weather application built with Vanilla JavaScript allows users to search for real-time weather information for any city or area. The app interacts with the Open Weather API to fetch live data, dynamically updating the user interface through DOM manipulation.
- CSS3
- JavaScript ES6
- Open Weather API
- Real-Time Weather Search
- Dynamic Weather Display
- API Integration
- Responsive Design
- Error Handling
- Customizable UI
- A web browser
You can access the live version of the application here: Live Demo
If you still want to clone the repository and explore the code:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Adrienner1988/thieves_133_week7_weekend_homework.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd thieves_133_week7_weekend_homework
- Open the project:
Open index.html in your preferred web browser
if (response.ok) {
//parsing through the data
cityName.textContent = data.name;
weatherIconDiv.innerHTML = `
<img src=https://openweathermap.org/img/wn/${data.weather[0].icon}.png />
weatherConditions.innerHTML = `
<p>High ${data["main"]["temp_max"]}°F</p>
<p>Low ${data["main"]["temp_min"]}°F</p>
// Show weather display after data is rendered
weatherDisplay.style.display = "block";
} else {
// Show error message if the response is not okay
alert("City not found. Please enter a valid city name.");
This project was built to strengthen my skills in frontend development, specifically in Vanilla JavaScript, DOM manipulation, and working with APIs. By fetching real-time weather data from an external API, I aimed to gain hands-on experience in handling asynchronous operations and data parsing. Additionally, this project showcases my ability to implement interactive and dynamic functionality using core web technologies.
- Email:
[email protected]
- LinkedIn:
- GitHub:
This project is currently not licensed.