cocotb, a coroutine based cosimulation library for writing VHDL and Verilog testbenches in Python
alexforencich / iverilog
Forked from steveicarus/iverilogIcarus Verilog
Verilog AXI stream components for FPGA implementation
Verilog AXI components for FPGA implementation
Open source FPGA-based NIC and platform for in-network compute
🍭 Cnblogs theme _ Basic theme : SimpleMemory
PCI express simulation framework for Cocotb
open-source IEEE 802.11 WiFi baseband FPGA (chip) design: driver, software
Verilog Ethernet components for FPGA implementation
Xilinx FPGA PCIe 保姆级教程 ——基于 PCIe XDMA IP核
A SATA host (HBA) core based on Xilinx FPGA with GTH to read/write hard disk. 一个基于Xilinx FPGA中的GTH的SATA host控制器,用来读写硬盘。
An FPGA-based USB 1.1 (full-speed) device core to implement USB-serial, USB-camera, USB-audio, USB-hid, etc. It requires only 3 FPGA common IOs rather than additional chips. 基于FPGA的USB 1.1 (full-sp…