HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, C
Markup & Scripting:
Bash, HTML, JSON, YAML, Markdown, Dockerfile, Groovy, Powershell
Frameworks and Libraries:
Flask, Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit Learn, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlip, mitdeeplearning, Scipy
Linux, WordPress, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, MongoDB, Canva, MS Office,
VS Code, Jupyter Notebook, Git, Github, Google Colab
AI-ML, DevOps, Cybersecurity
Business, Startup Idea, Saas Product, and Data Analysis
✍️ Write Blogs and Technical Documentation Indiecore, Indiecreation
📚 Learning CS, AI, and Cybersecurity Harvard CS50, Open Learning
📝 I regularly write articles on Learning Guide, AI, Cloud & DevOps
💬 Ask me about Computer Concepts, SEO, Business Brainstorming
📫 How to reach me Contact through LinkedIn
❤️🔥 Love to: Read Books, Code, Exercise, and Business Updates