Adyen Payment plugin for Magento2
bin/composer require adyen/module-payment
bin/magento module:enable Adyen_Payment
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Make sure that your magento cron is running every minute. We are using a cronjob to process the notifications. The cronjob will be executed every minute. It only executes the notifications that have been received at least 2 minutes ago. We have built in this 2 minutes so we are sure Magento has created the order and all save after events are executed. A handy tool to get insight into your cronjobs is AOE scheduler. You can download this tool through Magento Connect or GitHub
You can create issues on our Magento Repository or if you have some specific problems for your account you can contact [email protected] as well.
This module is using the Adyen APIs Library for PHP for all (API) connections to Adyen. This library can be found here
The notifications of Adyen (this will give you the indication of the payment status) is processed by a cronjob. You need to setup your cronjob. This is described here
We have defined this:
<group id="index">
<job name="adyen_payment_process_notification" instance="Adyen\Payment\Model\Cron" method="processNotification">
<schedule>*/1 * * * *</schedule>