- List all
- the major technologies
- you used in your project
- here
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Jest
- Webpack
- npm
This is a great place
to list setup instructions
in a simple
If using an API remember to add instructions for creating a .env file and adding it to your .gitignore + instructions for getting and setting up an API key
Include all steps for getting a key — from the link to sign up for an account to any steps to getting an API key to the name of the API key variables that should be added to the .env file. Including accurate instructions for getting and setting up an API key
Clone repository to your desktop
Navigate to the top level of the directory
Install all packages with $ npm install.
Build the project using webpack with $ npm run build
If you wish to lint JS files in the src folder, run $ npm run lint
All business logic should be tested and pass Jest using $ npm run test
Start a development server with $ npm run start
- Any known issues
- should go here
two players log in to a new instance. Instance creates a temp wallet. submits an equal amount of USD, then they select which coins they'd like. Wallet accesses an exchange, purchases and stores the correct amount of each into the wallet. bet begins. countdown goes. whoever wins the bet gets access to the wallet's key and can transfer both coins out into his own wallet.