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Ahmed Ali edited this page Dec 1, 2016 · 16 revisions


Cucumberish provides a native Objective-C/Swift API to implement steps written in Gherkin language.

Beside the basic features of the Gherkin language, Cucumberish also provide the Hooks implementation with a native API.

Target audience

At the beginning of every wiki page you will find either @Dev or @Everyone If you found @Dev, it means the content of this page (or the following part of the page) will contain technical information that only developers can perform. If it is @Everyone, then it is important to be read by developers and non-technicals

Wiki Index

@Everyone Documentation

@Dev Documentation

Installation instructions


Install with CocoaPods

Add the following to your Podfile

target 'YourAppTestTarget' do
  pod 'Cucumberish'

And follow the rest for the setup steps:

Install with Carthage

Report wiki issues

This Wiki will be the reference for all of us while we use Cucumberish. Making it perfect will never happen with only one eye. Your help is definitely needed and appreciated, if you have any suggestion or feedback or any other form of contribution to the wiki, please do not hesitate to do it!