This project is a personal portfolio website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It showcases my skills, services, projects, and contact information in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner.
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Introduction Code Explanation HTML Structure CSS Styling JavaScript Functionality Features How to Use Introduction The portfolio includes:
An "About Me" section featuring my skills, experience, and education. A "Services" section showcasing my offerings. A "Portfolio" section displaying my projects. A "Contact" section for users to reach out. Code Explanation HTML Structure Header Section (#header)
Includes a responsive menu toggle feature using icons from Font Awesome. About Section (#about)
Services Section (#services)
Portfolio Section (#portfolio)
Displays a grid of project showcases with images, titles, and descriptions, linking to external resources or demo pages.
Contact Section (#contact)
Displays a copyright notice. CSS Styling Global Styles
Applies consistent font styles, colors, and box-sizing rules. Ensures smooth scrolling (html { scroll-behavior: smooth; }). Header Styling
Sets up the header's background image and responsive layout. Adds hover effects to navigation links. About Section Styling
Formats the image with rounded corners and a double border. Defines styles for tab navigation and active tab states. Services and Portfolio
Implements grid layouts for services and portfolio items. Uses hover effects for interactive project descriptions. Contact Section
Creates a form layout with responsive design. Styles social media icons for branding consistency. JavaScript Functionality Tab Navigation
javascript Copy code function opentab(tabname) { for (tablink of tablinks) { tablink.classList.remove("active-link"); } for (tabcontent of tabcontents) { tabcontent.classList.remove("active-tab"); } event.currentTarget.classList.add("active-link"); document.getElementById(tabname).classList.add("active-tab"); } Responsive Menu
Toggles the side menu visibility with the openmenu and closemenu functions. javascript Copy code function openmenu() { = "0"; } function closemenu() { = "-200px"; } Form Submission
Submits contact form data to Google Sheets using the Fetch API. javascript Copy code form.addEventListener('submit', e => { e.preventDefault(); fetch(scriptURL, { method: 'POST', body: new FormData(form) }) .then(response => { msg.innerHTML = "Message sent successfully"; setTimeout(() => msg.innerHTML = "", 5000); form.reset(); }) .catch(error => console.error('Error!', error.message)); });
Responsive Design: Works seamlessly across different screen sizes. Tabbed Navigation: Displays dynamic content for "Skills," "Experience," and "Education." Project Showcases: Highlights completed work with project descriptions. Contact Form Integration: Sends messages to Google Sheets.
Clone this Repository:
bash Copy code git clone Open index.html in a browser.
The website should display as intended. Customize:
Replace images and text in the HTML file. Update styles in the style.css file. Deploy:
Use platforms like GitHub Pages, Netlify, or Vercel for deployment.