IRAMAT-CRP2A (Institut de recherche sur les Archéomatériaux – Centre de recherche en physique appliquée à l’archéologie) is a part of UMR 2060 IRAMAT at Bordeaux, muliti-site network unit associated to CNRS with Ernest-Babelon at Orléans and the laboratory of mettallurgy and culture at Belfort and Saclay.
DosiEdit is an 3D JOGL interface to create and edit pilot text file (PTF) to control the execution of DosiVox. Website:
DosiEdit2D is the same software than DosiEdit but in 2D, using Graphics2d, and edit pilot text file for DosiVox2D. Website:
DosiSeedInterfface is the interface for DosiSeed software.
The 3 modelisation software (DosiVox, DosiVox2D and DosiSeed) is made by Loïc Martin ( under the support of Norbert Mercier (