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Extentions methods for comfort Unity programming

Here I have collected a large number of convenient and useful methods for faster use within Unity. Below will be described, in my opinion, the most interesting and requiring explanations.

Get started

To download just click the last release and take file Helper.unitypackage

Download it and drag and drop to unity window

Success! Now you can use the UnityCodeHelper


New function - Creatnig code assets

There is two windows :

  • The script creation window where you need to enter the code and file name for the asset


  • Window for creating script assets, here you can specify the file and class name, and also create several instances at once


The select method, accepts the Func and returns the first item of collection suitable for the condition

void MyFoo(int[] array)
    array.Select((x) => x % 2 == 0).Print(); //Method Print use the Debug.Log for display value in console

Next methods is Replace and Swap

void MyFoo(int[] array)
    array.Replace(2,100);//First `2` value in collection will be replaced to `1000`
    array.Swap(100, 50); //Value 100 will be replaced by 50 will be replaced by previous position 100

And the mandatory method to use is AllDo

void MyFoo(GameObject[] array)
    array.AllDo((item) => item.Destroy(2)); // Destroy all GameObjects from array in 2 seconds

These were thie most interesting array methods

Now the methods are directly related to Unity, first is WaitAndDo, works with local coroutine, can be calld from every object Inherited from UnityEngine.Object

void MyFoo(GameObject someObj)
    bool flag = false;
    this.WaitAndDo(2, (currentObj) => flag = true ); //after 2 seconds flag will become true
    someObj.WaitAndDo(5, (item) => item.transform.position = Vector3.Zero);

Method ToArray, creates an array where the first element is the given object

void MyFoo(GameObject someObj)
    var objectArray = someObj.ToArray(new GameObject(), new GameObject()); // Take params for the new objects

And one of most convenient is the TransferControl2D Method

void Update()
    _rigidobdy.AutoControl2D(_speed, _jumpForce, KeyCode.Space, MovingType2D.Platformer); // Must be called only in Update

Also you can move objects along given trajectories bu Bezier curve and just in straight lines

[SerializeField] private List<Transform> _traectory, _polygonTest;
[SerializeField] private Transform _bezierObject, _movableObject;

void Update()
    if (_time < 1) _time += 0.01f;
    else _time = 0;
    _bezierObject.MoveByCurve(_traectory, _time);
    _movableObject.MoveByPolygon(_polygonTest, _time, true);

Multi-type array

Use this for create usefull multi-type collections and comfort work with them

public void MyFoo()
    var array = new MTPArray() {123, "string value", 125f};
    array.GetAll<int>().First().value.Print(); //Console output 123

Save system

Save system can save the default type and custom serializeble classes. Also system have an extentions

public void TestSave()
    int value = 100;
    var savedValue = value.Load("intValue");

public void SaveCollection()
    int[] saveArray = new int[] {10,20,30};
    var array = HelperPrefs.GetCollection("saveArray", SaveTypes.Int);


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