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Reply Code Challenge 2022 Edition - March 10th

What is «Pandora»?

Pandora is the name of Reply Code Challenge 2022 problem statement.
Our team - which consists of me and Kyumar - joined the challenge and coded this solution.

Then what's Reply Code Challenge?

The Reply Code Challenge (created in 2019) is a challenge where, for over four hours, participants from all over the world come together each year to solve algorithm-based problems, using any programming language.

Below you can read the abstract and the full problem statement, to try developing yourself a solution or simply understanding what we did.

Pandora’s Adventures in Replyland


In the fantasy world of Replyland, legend says that in ancient times the Gods hid a jar in a cave, on the peak of the highest mountain. No one knew what was in the jar. Some said it contained eternal fortune, others terrible disgrace. Only one man dared to climb the mountain and take the jar: Epimetheus. He was power-hungry and imagined the jar would give him the ability to defeat anyone.

Once back in his village, he gathered everyone in the square and opened the jar. From it a shadow emerged and exploded into thousands of pieces that were scattered across Replyland. The sky thundered and a godly voice bellowed: “You dared to open the jar and free all the evils and sins ever known. Only a true hero can gather all the demons and put them back into the jar”.
Pandora, Epimetheus’ wife, emerged from the crowd and said: “My husband was that foolish to challenge the Gods and open the sacred jar. I will challenge the demons to restore the balance.” Everyone knew and respected Pandora: she was a devotee to the magic of light and nature, and a very powerful healer. The godly voice thus declared: “So be it. Your journey starts now.”

Your task is to help Pandora face the perils of her mission. Choose the enemies she confronts carefully, and collect as many of the Shadow’s fragments as possible...

1 Problem Statement

To fight the demons, Pandora’s character consumes a special resource called stamina.
She starts the quest with a certain amount Si of stamina, consumes it when battling enemies and recovers it after some time until she reaches a maximum amount of Smax. Exceeding stamina will be lost.

The quest involves a total of T turns. In each turn you can decide to face one from a list of D demons. Each demon is defined by:

  • Sc: stamina lost by Pandora after defeating the demon
  • Tr: number of turns needed to recover stamina after the fight
  • Sr: amount of stamina recovered Tr turns after the fight
  • NA: number of turns in which you’ll earn fragments for defeating the demon
  • List of NA elements where each ai represents the number of fragments earned in the i-th turn after the fight for performing the ritual to put the fragments back in the jar

You need to provide the list of demons you want to face in the journey.

As Pandora:

  • You cannot defeat more than one demon in the same turn
  • You can only face a demon if you have enough stamina
  • You cannot fight the same demon more than once
  • After defeating a demon you will recover some stamina after a certain number of turns have passed
  • Your stamina will always be included in the interval [0;Smax]
  • The reward mechanism processes the list of demons you decided to face, in the order you faced them. If you don’t have enough stamina to face an enemy,the system will wait until you have enough stamina required to face the demon or the total number of turns have passed.
  • In any given turn, you first recover your stamina, then face an enemy, then collect the fragments
  • In each turn, if applicable, you recover all the fragments that every defeated demon has granted you
  • In each turn, if applicable, you recover all the stamina that every defeated demon has granted you
  • You can collect fragments and facing demons for a maximum of T turns. After that, no other demon can be faced nor any fragment can be collected.

Your total score is the sum of fragments you collected at the end of T turns.

2 Input format

The input file is a regular ASCII text file. Each line of the input file is separated by a single “\n” character “UNIX-style”). If a line contains multiple data, each value is separated by a single whitespace character. The first row of the input file will be composed of 4 integer numbers:

  • The integer Si is the amount of stamina the player starts with
  • The integer Smax is the maximum amount of stamina you can cumulate during the fight
  • The integer T is the number of turns available
  • The integer D is the number of demons available

Then, D lines follow, each describing one demon. Each demon line contains the following integer data:

  • The integer Sc is the amount of stamina points you consume to face the demon; you cannot face a demon if you don’t have at least this amount of stamina;
  • The integer Tr is the number of turns you have to wait before recovering stamina;
  • The integer Sr is the amount of stamina that you recover after Tr turns have passed;
  • The integer NA is the number of turns you’ll earn fragments after defeating the demon;
  • A sequence of NA integers [0;Na) represents the amount of fragments you’ll earn in the i-th subsequent turn after the fight.

3 Output format

The output file must be a regular ASCII text file. Each line of the output file must be separated by a single “\n”. Each line of this file must contain the 0-based index of the demon to face. The demons will be faced in the order provided.

The output file is valid if:

  • it contains only numbers and newlines
  • for each index i, i is in [0,D)
  • each index is present in the file only once

4 Constraints

  • All the indices, loops and iterations start from 0
  • T ≤ 1.000.000
  • D ≤ 100.000
  • All the stamina values in [0, 100.000]
  • Tr in [1, T]
  • NA in [0, 100.000]
  • ai in [0, 10.000]

5 Example

  1. Input file example
5 20 10 5

16 4 18 13 0 10 5 0 0 7 4 1 1 6 10 2 9

2 1 11 18 0 6 1 7 3 4 7 0 5 7 9 5 6 3 9 9 0 5

3 1 5 15 0 5 4 5 0 10 1 8 3 8 2 4 7 2 1

7 6 10 13 8 2 5 0 0 4 3 9 6 4 1 6 4

17 5 7 16 5 1 4 5 1 8 9 10 9 7 2 8 9 7 3 10

You start with 5 stamina points, and in each moment you can have no more than 20 stamina points. The quest will last 10 turns and you have 5 enemies that you can choose to face.

  1. Output file example

Because all the indexes are 0-based, you request to face the i=1 demon, then the i=3 one, followed by the i=2 demon, then the i=4 one and finally, the i=0 one.


Reply Code Challenge 2022 Edition - March 10th







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