I'm a software engineer at InvestSuite, based in Italy, with a passion for fintech, algorithmic trading, and quantitative finance. I primarily work in gitlab on proprietary software that manages millions of users and billions of dollars, focusing on scalability, performance, and reliability. When I can, I try to spend some of my free time contributing to open-source projects.
- Languages: Python, Go, Typescript, Scala, Dart
- Frameworks & Tools: FastAPI, React, Flutter, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Kafka, Docker, AWS, and more
- I developed a lightweight library called querytyper to build MongoDB queries using pydantic models
- while I was working at Alpaca Markets I contributed to the development of alpaca-py mainly using my corporate profile and sketched out an example broker integration backend and frontend
- I also worked on optitrader a streamlit dashboard that lets you optimize a portfolio of US stocks and invest on it using Alpaca's Trading API