Django freed developers from the labor of writing boilerplate view logic with class-based view; Bootstrap, the labor of designing aesthetic CSS+HTML components.
Django Bootstrap CRUD Templates aims to unite the two, allowing developers to simply write simple class-based views then select, or extend, a Bootstrap template for complete CRUD exposure of a model.
Developers can even do as little as define a model including a single mixin and run a function to generate a set of working CRUD URLs for that model (see Automatic Generation of Views and URLs).
pip install django-bootstrap-crud-templates
- Add
list in your project's settings module.
Django Bootstrap CRUD Templates provides a repository of Bootstrap-integrated Django templates.
These templates are designed to work directly with the context variables provided by the Django Class-Based View and the attributes provided by the Django model.
In order to make the most use of the features, the Model should have a few attributes defined:
- Instance methods:
: Returns the url to view the instance. ( Minimum requirement )get_delete_url
: Returns the url to delete the instance.get_update_url
: Returns the url to update the instance.get_list_url
: Returns the url to list all instances.
- Class methods:
: Returns the url to create an instance.get_allowed_fields
: Returns the list of editable fields.
For example, with a delete url named 'widget_delete', get_delete_url may be defined as:
def get_delete_url( self ): return reverse( 'widget_delete', kwargs = {'pk' : } )
You can define the model fields exposed to CRUD by defining get_allowed_fields.
@classmethod def get_allowed_fields( cls ): """ """ return ['field1','field2']
You can skip defining these methods by adding the BSCTModelMixin` mixin class to your model and simply naming the corresponding URLs in the following way:
: For the DetailView.lowercasemodelname_create
: For the CreateView.lowercasemodelname_update
: For the UpdateView.lowercasemodelname_delete
: For the DeleteView.lowercasemodelname_list
: For the ListView.
Note: Even with the BSCTModelMixin, it is still recommended to define get_allowed_fields in your model, otherwise it will fallback to the risky default of exposing ALL model fields.
The default detail views simply print the value of each field.
If you desire something more than the printed value for any field, simply define a detail method ('<field>_detail') for that field:
class Widget( models.Model ) sku = models.IntegerField() def sku_detail( self ): return 'SKU_%d' % ( self.sku )
To use a template directly, as opposed to extending it, simply assign its name to the template_name attribute of the class-based view.
# in class CreateWidget( generic.CreateView ): model = models.Widget template_name = 'bsct/plain/form.html'
By default, the template extends from 'base.html' and populates the block BSCT_MAIN. Therefore, you will need to have a template named 'base.html' and it must contain the block BSCT_MAIN
# base.html {% block BSCT_MAIN %} {% endblock %}
If you want to use the CDN-delivered version of Bootstrap included in the package make sure your base template also defined the block BSCT_CSS
# base.html {% block BSCT_CSS %} {% endblock %} </head> <body> {% block BSCT_MAIN %} {% endblock %}
If you wish to have the template extend from a template other than 'base.html', simply provide its name as the value for the context variable 'bsct_base'.
#in class CreateWidget( generic.CreateView ): model = models.Widget, template_name = 'bsct/plain/form.html' def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(CreateWidget, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context[ 'bsct_base' ] = 'my_special_widget_base.html' return context
You can skip the manual definition of both views and their URLs by using bsct.urls.URLGenerator to generate a set of URLs (and views) and including them in your applications urlpatterns:
from bsct.urls import URLGenerator from crud import models bsct_patterns = URLGenerator( models.Widget ).get_urlpatterns() urlpatterns = [ url( '', include( bsct_patterns ) ) ]
You may also choose to have only a select few URLs automatically generated:
bsct_patterns = URLGenerator( models.Widget ).get_urlpatterns( crud_types = 'rud') #'c' - Refers to the Create CRUD type #'r' - Refers to the Read/Detail CRUD type #'u' - Refers to the Update/Edit CRUD type #'d' - Refers to the Delete CRUD type #'l' - Refers to the List CRUD type
Customizing these templates is as simple as creating your own template and including the desired Django Bootstrap CRUD Templates template.
# widget_list.html {% extends 'bsct/plain/list.html' %} {% block BSCT_LIST_ACTIONS %} <a href='{% object.use_widget %}'> Use Widget </a> {% endblock %}
The default 'bsct/base.html' links to a CDN-hosted minified Bootstrap CSS file. If you prefer to use your own version, simply override the block BSCT_BOOTSTRAP_CDN.
{% block BSCT_BOOTSTRAP_CDN %} {% endblock %}
Django Bootstrap CRUD Templates is an open source project that ultimately aims to host a collection of user-submitted Bootstrap template-sets for Django.
If you have a set of Bootstrap templates you wish to include, simply follow the five steps below (assuming you have a GitHub account):
- Fork and clone
- Ensure your set has at least two of the following templates:
- form.html
- list.html
- detail.html
- confirm_delete.html
- (optional) Create a README.rst with a brief description of the template set and any other pertinent information ( external dependencies, author, homepage ).
- Place all the files in "bsct/templates/yourthemename/".
- Pull.
All contributed templates inherit the license of the encompassing project.