Launch the logging_server.ps1
script (doesn't need to be elevated).
This will start a listener on port 8443 or which ever port was provided as an argument.
Any data that is sent over a TCP connection to this port will be appended to a text file.
The text file will be created in the same directory the script is run from.
The disk encryption module requires a GPO to be modified to enable BitLocker full disk encryption if there is no TPM present
powershell.exe Enable-PSRemoting
powershell.exe Set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value ""
- This requires an elevated powershell terminal to run
- The network profile will also need to be either
- Trusted host might need to be added
:param str: dest
format: :<listening-port>/<endpoint>
example: :8443/stream
:param int: duration
format: X (in seconds)
example: 120
:param str: dest
format: "<destination-socket>"
example: ""
:param str: file
format: "C:\path\to\file.extension"
example: "C:\Users\user\Downloads\Rick%20Astley%20-%20Never%20Gonna%20Give%20You%20Up.mp4"
:param int: duration
format: X (in seconds)
example: 120
:param list: services
format: "item1,item2,item3"
example: "excel,winword,outlook,chrome,msedge"
:param int: minDelay
format: x (in seconds)
example: 20
:param int: maxDelay
format: X (in seconds)
example: 120
:param int: iterations
format: x
example: 10
:param int: duration
format: X (in seconds)
example: 120
Note: The keylogger test will be flagged by any running antimalware/antivirus. This is by design and should be accounted for when running that test.
powershell.exe .\vlc-screen-share.ps1 -dest ":8443/wds" -duration 10
powershell.exe .\ic-test.ps1 -test $testName
This will prompt for credentials to connect to a remote machine. If they are valid, it will create a scheduled task for two minutes from the time the script was invoked. This will then run the test as the logged in user's session.
note at this stage, all arguments including remote host connection details are hard coded.
On the