- Front-end:
- Back-end:
- Game Engine:
- Database:
- Cloud:
- Testing:
- Version Control:
- Automation:
- Integrations:
- 3D Design:
- 2D Design:
- Video Editing:
- Video Publishing & Streaming:
- Software Publishing:
- Media Publishing:
- SuperCamo, a file-based alternative to MongoDB.
- Unity Automated Semver, a GitHub Action that manages project versioning labels for Unity projects.
- Unity Semver Updater, a helper package for project versioning used in CI/CD tools.
- NPM Compliance Helper, a helper package for project licensing and compliance in CI/CD/CC tools.
- ReactJS GamePad Utilities, a foundational package for game projects built with web technologies.
More information about Alex's projects can be found on his website:
Use the social links up the top to contact Alex, or email him directly at: