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Releases: AlexTuduran/Locator

Locator v0.1.2-alpha - Delete functionality, enhanced super-user mode

15 Jun 16:51
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Locator v0.1.2-alpha

Linux poor man's replica of voidtool's Everything search engine which uses a local database to index file names instead of performing actual search on spot. Unix command "locate" uses the same principle, except that the database is not updated automatically, this activity being left in the hands of the user.

Since Everything is not available on Linux, Locator attempts to offer similar functionality using the "locate" command behind the curtains.

Major changes since release v0.1.1-alpha:

  • Added delete support.
  • Enhanced super-user mode.
  • Various minor changes (auto updatedb after delete, global shortcut for auto updatedb, auto search update after updatedb).

Locator v0.1.1-alpha - SUDO support

29 Jul 15:26
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Locator v0.1.1-alpha

Linux poor man's replica of voidtool's Everything search engine which uses a local database to index file names instead of performing actual search on spot. Unix command "locate" uses the same principle, except that the database is not updated automatically, this activity being left in the hands of the user.

Since Everything is not available on Linux, Locator attempts to offer similar functionality using the "locate" command behind the curtains.

Major changes since release v0.1.0-alpha:

Changes relevant to users:

  • Added SUDO support. Open, Open Path and Open With commands can now be used with security privileges of the SuperUser depending on the main menu -> Tools -> SuperUser option. Beware that some applications behave differently when run with sudo than when run without.
  • Added logging of important events and the run commands together with performance indicators. Logs are saved in app.log.
  • Added option to show warning messages. When launched, some applications report execution failure although they seem to run fine. Locator cannot tell which application is falsely reporting failures, so it always reports the failure to the user. However, the user has the possibility to disable these warning messages. The warning message is logged in application's log file regardless of this option's state.
  • Single click instead of double-click on tray icon to open a new Locator. If the taskbar is hidden, double-click can be challenging since the first click hides the taskbar.
  • Windows close on pressing Escape key.

Changes relevant to developers:

  • To help development, different binaries and application icons depending on the build type are provided and set in the project automatically based on the selected build type (debug / release).
  • Because commands are still run in the UI thread, the RunCommand and ExecuteDocument functions have been re-engineered so that commands can be executed synchronously with output capture (execute functionality) or synchronously with timeout and without output capture (trigger functionality).

Major known limitations:

  • All commands, including "locate" are run synchronously in the UI thread. Since all forms run in the same thread, it means that not only the current form is freezes during a locate operation, but all the others too. To be fixed by running the locate command in a separate thread and sync with the UI on finish.

First release

23 Jun 11:57
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First release Pre-release


Locator v0.1.0-alpha

Linux poor man's replica of voidtool's Everything search engine which uses a local database to index file names instead of performing actual search on spot. Unix command "locate" uses the same principle, except that the database is not updated automatically, this activity being left in the hands of the user.

Since Everything is not available on Linux, Locator attempts to offer similar functionality.

Known issues:

  • "locate" command is run synchronously in the UI thread. Since all forms run in the same thread, it means that not only the current form is freezes during a locate operation, but all the others too. To be fixed by running the locate command in a separate thread and sync with the UI on finish.