This .NET Core 3.1 Console App was built by Alexander Johnston and submitted 2020-28-10.
I have included some sample files up to 10 million bigrams in size to test out this program in case you don't have any on hand. The program should gracefully handle large files of 100MB - 10GB or more. I did my best in the short time allotted to add graceful handling. I hope you try to throw everything you've got at it and see if you can break it! :)
This program takes a phrase and tokenizes it into bigrams and then creates a simple histogram to show token frequency.
It supports symbols in the middle of bigrams, such as Price $100.00
Punctuation and grammar will be trimmed automatically by the program when it creates tokens.
This program runs in three different modes, "Single", "Multi", and "File".
[Single Mode]:
Interview.Parsing.exe "Input Phrase Input Phrase"
This mode will parse a single phrase and display the output in the console or stdout.
[Multi Mode]:
Interview.Parsing.exe -multi "One Bigram" "Two Bigram Two Bigram"
Multi-mode will parse as many outputs as you can fit into separate arguments and output to the console.
The -multi switch is required.
[File Mode]:
Interview.Parsing.exe "input.txt"
Interview.Parsing.exe "input.txt" "output.txt"
The first argument should contain a valid path to your input phrases as a plaintext file. Any number of phrases can be added to the file. Phrases separated by newlines will be procesed as a single phrase.
The second argument specifies an output file, otherwise the program will output to the console.