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FOL Grammar

Dibo Gonda edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 19 revisions

This wiki page is an overview of Skeditor's FOL Grammar rules.

terms and formulas

terms may consist of variables (e.g. a, b, valueX), numbers (e.g. 1, -15, 987), scientific numbers (e.g. 1E-42), arithmetic operations (see below) and functions (see below).

formulas may consist of predicates (e.g. #p(t), #p()), quantifiers and logical operations (see below). TODO

order of operations

All arithmetic operators except for ^ are left-associative (i.e., a+b+c equlas (a+b)+c, whereas a^b^c equals a^(b^c)). All logical operators except <- and <-> are right-associative.

arithmetic operations

Basic mathmatical symbols can be used similar to other common grammars.

simple term
(a + b) - c

power example

power of terms
(a + b)^((a*b)-c)


Operation Syntax
addition +
substraction -
multiplication *
division /
power ^

comparison operations

Operations to compare single variables or numbers/scientific numbers and terms may look like the following example.

term comparison
(a + b) > (c * 3)

single value comparison
a != 3


Operation Syntax
equals, not equals =, !=
greater than, smaller than >, <
greater or equals, smaller or equals >=, <=


In this grammar, function calls without or with several parameters are allowed. Note that function parameters and return type are numbers.

Example of a simple function

with multiple parameters being passed
someMethod(parameter1, parameter2)

qualified identifiers are allowed

Some common mathematical functions are already specified in the grammar. Known functions have the prefix \ to be recognized and checked on number of parameters. The following table shows the currently known functions.

Overview of known functions

Operation Syntax
sinus, cosinus, tangens \sin(x), \cos(x), \tan(x)
maximum, minimum \max(x, y), \min(x,y)
absolute value \abs(x)


The quantifiers for all and exists may contain a single or multiple members.

simple example for quantifiers
\forall (X) (x < y)

example with more than one variable
\forall (x, y, z) (x + y < z)

quantifiers may be contained in the domain of an other quantifier
\forall (x) (\exists(y) (x > y))


Operation Syntax
For all \forall
Exists \exists

logical operations

This grammar provides basic logical operations to build formulas like
(a ∧ b ∧ c) → ¬(a ∨ b)

with the following syntax
(#a() & #b() & #c()) -> !(#a() | #b())


Operation Syntax
and, logical and &, &&
or, logical or |, ||
implication ->
logical equivalence <->
true, false \true, \false