Repo Folder Structure
- Attribution
- Repo Folder Structure
- Main Terraform Config
- Variable files
- Policy Initiative (Policy Set Definitions) Module
- Policy Initiative (Policy Set Definitions) Assignment Module
- Policy Definitions Module
- Policy Remediation Tasks Module
- Add New Policies
Some of the content in these policies is derived from resources available on AZAdvertizer.
It’s a personal project focused on achieving compliance, including but not limited to the CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations Benchmark v1.4.0. New policies will appear in the future
When you trigger a pipeline you have to choose a target Management Group. Prerequisites:
A Storage Account and container to store the Terraform state.
A service connection in Azure DevOps, targeting a subscription that includes the Storage Account for the Terraform state and where a user-assigned identity will be created.
Note: Service Connection Identity must have followig permissions: Resource Policy Contributor on a Management Group level, Permissions to write to the storage accounts container.
Rename and update var.ServiceConnectionName.tfvars file
Update pipelines/terraform.var.yaml
Update SubscriptionName and ManGroupName prams in pipelines/deploy.yaml
- Currently, it is under development and deployment process will be improved.
- Defender Policies disabled
Main config triggers
- creation of user-assigned identity
- grant required permissions to the user-assigned identity
- creation of policyset
- link policies to policyset
- assign policyset to target subscription
- create remediation tasks
Here we store environment (Subscription) specific variables. For example: Identity name, security contacts, tags Note: Will be updated later
All custom policies linked to the Policy Set 'Azure Policy remediation'
We assign policy set to the target subscription
Here we store all the policies that will be linked to the policy initiative (set) and remediated
Here we create remediation task for every policy
To add new policies:
- open policy-definitions module
- create new file or update current
Note: Some of the policies are grouped in one file because they are almost identical and the difference is only in the name and one parameter - Update file in the policydefinitions folder.
Note: We need to get the policyname and ID here, which passes to the file - update file in the root directory add policy outputs to the policy_remediations module reference:
module "policy_remediations" {
source = "./modules/policy-remediations"
cis_remediation_policyset_assignment_id = module.policy_assignments.cis_remediation_assignment_id
cis_remediation = [
policyID = module.policy_definitions.activity_alert_nsg_write_policy_id
policyName = module.policy_definitions.activity_alert_nsg_write_policy_name
and to the policet module reference:
module "policyset_definitions" {
source = "./modules/policy-set-definitions"
cis_policy = [
policyID = module.policy_definitions.activity_alert_firewall_delete_policy_id