PHP 5.4.0 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, type in your console: composer require kinow-io/kinow-php-sdk
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [{
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"kinow-io/kinow-php-sdk": "^1.0"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$api_instance = new Kinow\Client\Api\ActorsApi();
$product_id = 789; // int | Product ID to fetch
$actor_id = 789; // int | Actor ID to attach
try {
$api_instance->attachProductToActor($product_id, $actor_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling ActorsApi->attachProductToActor: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
You can enable debug logging to get information about what is sent or received by the SDK. The logs will be available in the 'output' file at the root of your server.
When submitting a support request, it is best to provide the logs file for a faster resolution of your issue.
// To be done before doing anything with the SDK
// Activate debug logs
// (optionally) Change debug file location (default is 'php://output')
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActorsApi | attachProductToActor | POST /products/{product_id}/actors | |
ActorsApi | createActor | POST /actors | |
ActorsApi | deleteActor | DELETE /actors/{actor_id} | |
ActorsApi | getActor | GET /actors/{actor_id} | |
ActorsApi | getActorCoverImage | GET /actors/{actor_id}/cover | |
ActorsApi | getActorProducts | GET /actors/{actor_id}/products | |
ActorsApi | getActorProductsRole | GET /actors/{actor_id}/products-role | |
ActorsApi | getActors | GET /actors | |
ActorsApi | getProductActors | GET /products/{product_id}/actors | |
ActorsApi | getProductActorsRole | GET /products/{product_id}/actors-role | |
ActorsApi | updateActor | PUT /actors/{actor_id} | |
ActorsApi | uploadActorCover | POST /actors/{actor_id}/cover | |
AddressApi | getCustomerAddress | GET /customers/{customer_id}/address | |
AddressApi | updateAddress | PUT /addresses/{address_id} | |
AttributesApi | createProductAttribute | POST /attributes | |
AttributesApi | deleteAttribute | DELETE /attributes/{attribute_id} | |
AttributesApi | getProductAttributes | GET /products/{product_id}/attributes | |
BlogCategoriesApi | getBlogCategories | GET /blog-categories | |
BlogCategoriesApi | getBlogCategory | GET /blog-categories/{blog_category_id} | |
BlogPagesApi | getBlogPage | GET /blog-pages/{blog_page_id} | |
BlogPagesApi | getBlogPages | GET /blog-pages | |
BookmarksApi | attachBookmarkToCustomer | POST /customers/{customer_id}/bookmarks | |
BookmarksApi | detachBookmarkFromCustomer | DELETE /customers/{customer_id}/bookmarks/{product_id} | |
BookmarksApi | getCustomerBookmarks | GET /customers/{customer_id}/bookmarks | |
CMSCategoriesApi | createCMSCategory | POST /cms-categories | |
CMSCategoriesApi | getCMSCategories | GET /cms-categories | |
CMSCategoriesApi | updateCMSCategory | PUT /cms-categories/{cms_category_id} | |
CMSPagesApi | createCMSPage | POST /cms-pages | |
CMSPagesApi | getCMSPages | GET /cms-pages | |
CMSPagesApi | updateCMSPage | PUT /cms-pages/{cms_page_id} | |
CartRulesApi | attachCartRuleToCart | POST /carts/{cart_id}/cart-rules | |
CartRulesApi | createCartRule | POST /cart-rules | |
CartRulesApi | deleteCartRule | DELETE /cart-rules/{cart_rule_id} | |
CartRulesApi | detachCartRuleFromCart | DELETE /carts/{cart_id}/cart-rules/{cart_rule_id} | |
CartRulesApi | getCartRule | GET /cart-rules/{cart_rule_id} | |
CartRulesApi | getCartRules | GET /cart-rules | |
CartRulesApi | updateCartRule | PUT /cart-rules/{cart_rule_id} | |
CartsApi | addProductToCart | POST /carts/{cart_id}/products | |
CartsApi | attachCartRuleToCart | POST /carts/{cart_id}/cart-rules | |
CartsApi | attachCartToCustomer | POST /customers/{customer_id}/carts | |
CartsApi | createCart | POST /carts | |
CartsApi | deleteCart | DELETE /carts/{cart_id} | |
CartsApi | deleteProductFromCart | DELETE /carts/{cart_id}/products | |
CartsApi | detachCartRuleFromCart | DELETE /carts/{cart_id}/cart-rules/{cart_rule_id} | |
CartsApi | emptyCart | POST /carts/{cart_id}/empty | |
CartsApi | getCart | GET /carts/{cart_id} | |
CartsApi | getCarts | GET /carts | |
CartsApi | getCustomerCarts | GET /customers/{customer_id}/carts | |
CartsApi | getLastCart | GET /customers/{customer_id}/last-cart | |
CartsApi | getLostsCarts | GET /carts/losts-carts | |
CartsApi | getPaymentUrl | GET /carts/{cart_id}/payments/{payment_name} | |
CartsApi | getPrice | POST /carts/price | |
CartsApi | preparePayment | POST /carts/{cart_id}/payments/{payment_name}/prepare | |
CartsApi | updateCart | PUT /carts/{cart_id} | |
CartsApi | validateFreeOrder | POST /carts/{cart_id}/validate-free-order | |
CartsApi | validatePayment | POST /carts/{cart_id}/payments/{payment_name}/validate | |
CategoriesApi | createCategory | POST /categories | |
CategoriesApi | deleteCategory | DELETE /categories/{category_id} | |
CategoriesApi | getAvailableCategory | GET /categories-accesses/{category_id} | |
CategoriesApi | getCategories | GET /categories | |
CategoriesApi | getCategoriesFromCategory | GET /categories/{category_id}/categories | |
CategoriesApi | getCategory | GET /categories/{category_id} | |
CategoriesApi | getCategoryBanner | GET /categories/{category_id}/banner | |
CategoriesApi | getCategoryFeatures | GET /categories/{category_id}/features | |
CategoriesApi | getCategoryProducts | GET /categories/{category_id}/products | |
CategoriesApi | getCategoryVideoPlayer | GET /categories/videos/{video_id}/player | |
CategoriesApi | getCategoryVideoSubtitles | GET /categories/videos/{video_id}/subtitles | |
CategoriesApi | getProductCategories | GET /products/{product_id}/categories | |
CategoriesApi | getSubscriptionCategories | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/categories | |
CategoriesApi | getVideosFromCategories | GET /categories/videos | |
CategoriesApi | getVideosFromCategory | GET /categories/{category_id}/videos | |
CategoriesApi | updateCategory | PUT /categories/{category_id} | |
CategoriesApi | uploadCategoryCover | POST /categories/{category_id}/cover | |
CategoryVideosApi | getCategoryVideoPlayer | GET /categories/videos/{video_id}/player | |
CategoryVideosApi | getCategoryVideoSubtitles | GET /categories/videos/{video_id}/subtitles | |
CategoryVideosApi | getVideosFromCategories | GET /categories/videos | |
CategoryVideosApi | getVideosFromCategory | GET /categories/{category_id}/videos | |
ConfigurationApi | getConfiguration | GET /configuration | |
ConfigurationApi | getConfigurationByName | GET /configuration/{configuration_name} | |
ConfigurationApi | getConfigurationLogo | GET /configuration/logo | |
ConfigurationApi | getConfigurationSocial | GET /configuration/social | |
CountriesApi | getCountries | GET /countries | |
CurrenciesApi | getCurrencies | GET /currencies | |
CustomersApi | attachCartToCustomer | POST /customers/{customer_id}/carts | |
CustomersApi | checkAuthenticationToken | POST /customers/check-authentication-token | |
CustomersApi | checkCustomerCredentials | POST /customers/check-credentials | |
CustomersApi | createCustomer | POST /customers | |
CustomersApi | createFacebookId | POST /customers/facebook | |
CustomersApi | deleteCustomer | DELETE /customers/{customer_id} | |
CustomersApi | generateAuthenticationToken | GET /customers/{customer_id}/authentication-token | |
CustomersApi | getCustomer | GET /customers/{customer_id} | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerAccessesSubscriptions | GET /customers/{customer_id}/accesses/subscriptions | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerAccessesVideos | GET /customers/{customer_id}/accesses/videos | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerAddress | GET /customers/{customer_id}/address | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerCanSeeProduct | GET /customers/{customer_id}/products/{product_id}/can-see | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerCarts | GET /customers/{customer_id}/carts | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerCurrentViews | GET /customers/{customer_id}/current-views | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerGroups | GET /customers/{customer_id}/groups | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerHasAccessToProduct | GET /customers/{customer_id}/products/{product_id}/has-access | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerHasAccessToProducts | POST /customers/{customer_id}/products/has-access | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerHasAccessToVideo | GET /customers/{customer_id}/videos/{video_id}/has-access | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerHasAccessToVideos | POST /customers/{customer_id}/videos/has-access | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerOrders | GET /customers/{customer_id}/orders | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerPlaylists | GET /customers/{customer_id}/playlists | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerPrepaymentBalances | GET /customers/{customer_id}/prepayment-balance | |
CustomersApi | getCustomerPrepaymentOperations | GET /customers/{customer_id}/prepayment-operations | |
CustomersApi | getCustomers | GET /customers | |
CustomersApi | getFacebookCustomer | GET /customers/facebook/{facebook_id} | |
CustomersApi | getPaymentMethods | GET /customers/{customer_id}/payments/{payment_name}/payment-methods | |
CustomersApi | getPaymentMethodsWithIp | GET /customers/{customer_id}/payments/{payment_name}/payment-methods/{ip_address} | |
CustomersApi | getPendingPayments | GET /customers/{customer_id}/payments/{payment_name}/pending | |
CustomersApi | getPendingPaymentsWithIp | GET /customers/{customer_id}/payments/{payment_name}/pending/{ip_address} | |
CustomersApi | getRegistrationFields | GET /customer/registration-fields | |
CustomersApi | loginWithFacebook | POST /customers/facebook-login | |
CustomersApi | passwordToken | POST /customers/password-token | |
CustomersApi | passwordTokenConsume | POST /customers/password-token-consume | |
CustomersApi | stopSubscription | PUT /customers/{customer_id}/unsubscribe | |
CustomersApi | updateCustomer | PUT /customers/{customer_id} | |
CustomersApi | updatePaymentMethod | PUT /customers/{customer_id}/payments/{payment_name}/payment-method | |
CustomersApi | validateCustomerCredentials | POST /customers/validate-credentials | |
DevicesApi | createDevices | POST /devices | |
DevicesApi | deleteDevice | DELETE /devices/{device_id} | |
DevicesApi | getCustomerDevices | GET /devices/{customer_id} | |
DirectorsApi | attachProductToDirector | POST /products/{product_id}/directors | |
DirectorsApi | createDirector | POST /directors | |
DirectorsApi | deleteDirector | DELETE /directors/{director_id} | |
DirectorsApi | getDirector | GET /directors/{director_id} | |
DirectorsApi | getDirectorCoverImage | GET /directors/{director_id}/cover | |
DirectorsApi | getDirectorProducts | GET /directors/{director_id}/products | |
DirectorsApi | getDirectorProductsRole | GET /directors/{director_id}/products-role | |
DirectorsApi | getDirectors | GET /directors | |
DirectorsApi | getProductDirectors | GET /products/{product_id}/directors | |
DirectorsApi | getProductDirectorsRole | GET /products/{product_id}/directors-role | |
DirectorsApi | updateDirector | PUT /directors/{director_id} | |
DirectorsApi | uploadDirectorCover | POST /directors/{director_id}/cover | |
EmployeesApi | getEmployee | GET /employees/{employee_id} | |
EmployeesApi | getEmployees | GET /employees | |
ExtractsApi | attachCoverToExtract | POST /extracts/{extract_id}/cover | |
ExtractsApi | attachFeaturesToExtract | POST /extracts/{extract_id}/features | |
ExtractsApi | createExtract | POST /extracts | |
ExtractsApi | createSubtitle | POST /extracts/{extract_id}/subtitle | |
ExtractsApi | deleteExtract | DELETE /extracts/{extract_id} | |
ExtractsApi | getExtract | GET /extracts/{extract_id} | |
ExtractsApi | getExtractFeatures | GET /extracts/{extract_id}/features | |
ExtractsApi | getExtractPlayer | GET /extracts/{extract_id}/player | |
ExtractsApi | getExtracts | GET /extracts | |
ExtractsApi | getProductExtracts | GET /products/{product_id}/extracts | |
ExtractsApi | updateExtract | PUT /extracts/{extract_id} | |
FeatureValuesApi | attachFeaturesToExtract | POST /extracts/{extract_id}/features | |
FeatureValuesApi | attachFeaturesToProduct | POST /products/{product_id}/features | |
FeatureValuesApi | attachFeaturesToVideo | POST /videos/{video_id}/features | |
FeatureValuesApi | detachFeatureToProduct | DELETE /products/{product_id}/features/{feature_id} | |
FeatureValuesApi | getFeatureValues | GET /feature-values | |
FeaturesApi | attachFeaturesToExtract | POST /extracts/{extract_id}/features | |
FeaturesApi | attachFeaturesToProduct | POST /products/{product_id}/features | |
FeaturesApi | attachFeaturesToVideo | POST /videos/{video_id}/features | |
FeaturesApi | detachFeatureToProduct | DELETE /products/{product_id}/features/{feature_id} | |
FeaturesApi | getCategoryFeatures | GET /categories/{category_id}/features | |
FeaturesApi | getExtractFeatures | GET /extracts/{extract_id}/features | |
FeaturesApi | getFeatureValues | GET /feature-values | |
FeaturesApi | getFeatures | GET /features | |
FeaturesApi | getProductFeatures | GET /products/{product_id}/features | |
FeaturesApi | getVideoFeatures | GET /videos/{video_id}/features | |
FreeGiftsApi | consumeFreeGift | PUT /free-gifts/{free_gift_id}/consume | |
FreeGiftsApi | createFreeGift | POST /free-gifts | |
FreeGiftsApi | deleteFreeGift | DELETE /free-gifts/{free_gift_id} | |
FreeGiftsApi | getFreeGift | GET /free-gifts/{free_gift_id} | |
FreeGiftsApi | getFreeGiftToken | GET /free-gifts/{free_gift_id}/token | |
FreeGiftsApi | getFreeGifts | GET /free-gifts | |
FreeGiftsApi | sendFreeGift | POST /free-gifts/{free_gift_id}/send | |
FreeGiftsApi | updateFreeGift | PUT /free-gifts/{free_gift_id} | |
GendersApi | getGenders | GET /genders | |
GeolocationsApi | getGeolocSettings | GET /geolocations/settings | |
GeolocationsApi | getIPLocation | GET /geolocations/ip | |
GeolocationsApi | getPlatformAccessInfo | GET /geolocations/platform-access | |
GeolocationsApi | getProductGeolocations | GET /products/{product_id}/geolocations | |
GeolocationsApi | getProductGeolocationsByIp | POST /products/{product_id}/geolocations | |
GeolocationsApi | getVideoGeolocationByIp | POST /videos/{video_id}/geolocations/{ip_address} | |
GeolocationsApi | setProductGeolocation | PUT /products/{product_id}/geolocations | |
GeolocationsApi | setVideoGeolocation | PUT /videos/{video_id}/geolocations | |
GiftsApi | consumeGift | PUT /gifts/{gift_id}/consume | |
GiftsApi | createGift | POST /gifts | |
GiftsApi | deleteGift | DELETE /gifts/{gift_id} | |
GiftsApi | deleteGiftsInCart | DELETE /carts/{cart_id}/gift/ | |
GiftsApi | getGift | GET /gifts/{gift_id} | |
GiftsApi | getGiftInCart | GET /carts/{cart_id}/gift | |
GiftsApi | getGiftToken | GET /gifts/{gift_id}/token | |
GiftsApi | getGifts | GET /gifts | |
GiftsApi | getGiftsInCart | GET /carts/{cart_id}/gifts | |
GiftsApi | sendGift | POST /gifts/{gift_id}/send | |
GiftsApi | updateGift | PUT /gifts/{gift_id} | |
GroupsApi | attachCustomerToGroup | POST /groups/{group_id}/customers | |
GroupsApi | createGroup | POST /groups | |
GroupsApi | detachCustomerFromGroup | DELETE /groups/{group_id}/customers/{customer_id} | |
GroupsApi | getGroup | GET /groups/{group_id} | |
GroupsApi | getGroups | GET /groups | |
GroupsApi | getProductGroups | GET /products/{product_id}/groups | |
ImagesApi | getActorCoverImage | GET /actors/{actor_id}/cover | |
ImagesApi | getCategoryBanner | GET /categories/{category_id}/banner | |
ImagesApi | getDirectorCoverImage | GET /directors/{director_id}/cover | |
ImagesApi | getProductCoverImage | GET /products/{product_id}/cover | |
ImagesApi | getProductImages | GET /products/{product_id}/images | |
ImagesApi | getProductScreenshots | GET /products/{product_id}/screenshots | |
ImagesApi | getSliderImage | GET /widgets/slider/images | |
ImagesApi | getSubscriptionCoverImage | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/cover | |
ImagesApi | getVideoCover | GET /videos/{video_id}/cover | |
ImagesApi | uploadActorCover | POST /actors/{actor_id}/cover | |
ImagesApi | uploadCategoryCover | POST /categories/{category_id}/cover | |
ImagesApi | uploadDirectorCover | POST /directors/{director_id}/cover | |
ImagesApi | uploadProductCover | POST /products/{product_id}/cover | |
ImagesApi | uploadSubscriptionCover | POST /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/cover | |
LanguagesApi | getLanguages | GET /languages | |
MediaFilesApi | getMediaFile | GET /media-files/{media_file_id} | |
MediaFilesApi | getMediaSourceFiles | GET /media-sources/{source_id}/files | |
MediaFilesApi | postMediaSourceFiles | POST /media-sources/{source_id}/files | |
MediaSourcesApi | getMediaSource | GET /media-sources/{source_id} | |
MediaSourcesApi | getMediaSourceFiles | GET /media-sources/{source_id}/files | |
MediaSourcesApi | getMediaSources | GET /media-sources | |
MediaSourcesApi | postMediaSourceFiles | POST /media-sources/{source_id}/files | |
OAuthApi | getToken | POST /get-token | |
OrderHistoriesApi | getOrderHistories | GET /orders/{order_id}/histories | |
OrderStatesApi | getOrderState | GET /order-states/{order_state_id} | |
OrderStatesApi | getOrderStates | GET /order-states | |
OrdersApi | getCustomerOrders | GET /customers/{customer_id}/orders | |
OrdersApi | getOrder | GET /orders/{order_id} | |
OrdersApi | getOrderHistories | GET /orders/{order_id}/histories | |
OrdersApi | getOrderInvoice | GET /orders/{order_id}/invoice | |
OrdersApi | getOrders | GET /orders | |
PagesApi | getPage | GET /pages/{page_id} | |
PagesApi | getPages | GET /pages | |
PaymentModulesApi | getPaymentMethods | GET /customers/{customer_id}/payments/{payment_name}/payment-methods | |
PaymentModulesApi | getPaymentMethodsWithIp | GET /customers/{customer_id}/payments/{payment_name}/payment-methods/{ip_address} | |
PaymentModulesApi | getPaymentModules | GET /payment-modules | |
PaymentModulesApi | getPaymentUrl | GET /carts/{cart_id}/payments/{payment_name} | |
PaymentModulesApi | getPendingPayments | GET /customers/{customer_id}/payments/{payment_name}/pending | |
PaymentModulesApi | getPendingPaymentsWithIp | GET /customers/{customer_id}/payments/{payment_name}/pending/{ip_address} | |
PaymentModulesApi | preparePayment | POST /carts/{cart_id}/payments/{payment_name}/prepare | |
PaymentModulesApi | updatePaymentMethod | PUT /customers/{customer_id}/payments/{payment_name}/payment-method | |
PaymentModulesApi | validateFreeOrder | POST /carts/{cart_id}/validate-free-order | |
PaymentModulesApi | validatePayment | POST /carts/{cart_id}/payments/{payment_name}/validate | |
PlaylistsApi | attachBookmarkToPlaylist | POST /playlists/{playlist_id}/bookmarks | |
PlaylistsApi | createPlaylist | POST /playlists | |
PlaylistsApi | deletePlaylist | DELETE /playlists/{playlist_id} | |
PlaylistsApi | detachBookmarkFromPlaylist | DELETE /playlists/{playlist_id}/bookmarks/{product_id} | |
PlaylistsApi | getCustomerPlaylists | GET /customers/{customer_id}/playlists | |
PlaylistsApi | getPlaylist | GET /playlists/{playlist_id} | |
PlaylistsApi | getPlaylistBookmarks | GET /playlists/{playlist_id}/bookmarks | |
PlaylistsApi | getPlaylists | GET /playlists | |
PlaylistsApi | updatePlaylist | PUT /playlists/{playlist_id} | |
PrepaymentsApi | getCustomerPrepaymentBalances | GET /customers/{customer_id}/prepayment-balance | |
PrepaymentsApi | getCustomerPrepaymentOperations | GET /customers/{customer_id}/prepayment-operations | |
PrepaymentsApi | getPrepaymentBonus | GET /prepayment/bonus/{prepayment_bonus_id} | |
PrepaymentsApi | getPrepaymentBonusList | GET /prepayment/bonus | |
PrepaymentsApi | getPrepaymentOperation | GET /prepayment/operations/{prepayment_operation_id} | |
PrepaymentsApi | getPrepaymentOperations | GET /prepayment/operations | |
PrepaymentsApi | getPrepaymentRecharge | GET /prepayment/recharges/{prepayment_recharge_id} | |
PrepaymentsApi | getPrepaymentRecharges | GET /prepayment/recharges | |
ProductAccessesApi | createProductAccess | POST /product-accesses | |
ProductAccessesApi | deleteProductAccess | DELETE /product-accesses/{product_access_id} | |
ProductAccessesApi | getCustomerAccessesSubscriptions | GET /customers/{customer_id}/accesses/subscriptions | |
ProductAccessesApi | getCustomerAccessesVideos | GET /customers/{customer_id}/accesses/videos | |
ProductAccessesApi | getProductAccess | GET /product-accesses/{product_access_id} | |
ProductAccessesApi | getProductAccesses | GET /product-accesses | |
ProductAccessesApi | subscribe | PUT /product-accesses/{product_access_id}/subscribe | |
ProductAccessesApi | switchSubscription | PUT /product-accesses/{product_access_id}/switch | |
ProductAccessesApi | switchSubscriptionDelete | DELETE /product-accesses/{product_access_id}/switch | |
ProductAccessesApi | switchSubscriptionPending | GET /product-accesses/{product_access_id}/switch | |
ProductAccessesApi | unsubscribe | PUT /product-accesses/{product_access_id}/unsubscribe | |
ProductAccessesApi | updateProductAccess | PUT /product-accesses/{product_access_id} | |
ProductsApi | associateProducts | POST /products/{product_id}/products | |
ProductsApi | attachFeaturesToProduct | POST /products/{product_id}/features | |
ProductsApi | attachProductToActor | POST /products/{product_id}/actors | |
ProductsApi | attachProductToCategory | POST /products/{product_id}/categories | |
ProductsApi | attachProductToDirector | POST /products/{product_id}/directors | |
ProductsApi | attachProductToGroup | POST /products/{product_id}/groups | |
ProductsApi | attachVideoToProduct | POST /products/{product_id}/videos | |
ProductsApi | createProduct | POST /products | |
ProductsApi | deleteProduct | DELETE /products/{product_id} | |
ProductsApi | detachFeatureToProduct | DELETE /products/{product_id}/features/{feature_id} | |
ProductsApi | detachProductFromCategory | DELETE /products/{product_id}/categories/{category_id} | |
ProductsApi | detachProductFromGroup | DELETE /products/{product_id}/groups/{group_id} | |
ProductsApi | getBestSales | GET /products/best-sales | |
ProductsApi | getCategoryProducts | GET /categories/{category_id}/products | |
ProductsApi | getCustomerHasAccessToProduct | GET /customers/{customer_id}/products/{product_id}/has-access | |
ProductsApi | getCustomerHasAccessToProducts | POST /customers/{customer_id}/products/has-access | |
ProductsApi | getNewProducts | GET /products/new | |
ProductsApi | getPrice | POST /products/price | |
ProductsApi | getProduct | GET /products/{product_id} | |
ProductsApi | getProductActors | GET /products/{product_id}/actors | |
ProductsApi | getProductActorsRole | GET /products/{product_id}/actors-role | |
ProductsApi | getProductAttributes | GET /products/{product_id}/attributes | |
ProductsApi | getProductAvailability | GET /products/{product_id}/access | |
ProductsApi | getProductCategories | GET /products/{product_id}/categories | |
ProductsApi | getProductCoverImage | GET /products/{product_id}/cover | |
ProductsApi | getProductDirectors | GET /products/{product_id}/directors | |
ProductsApi | getProductDirectorsRole | GET /products/{product_id}/directors-role | |
ProductsApi | getProductExtracts | GET /products/{product_id}/extracts | |
ProductsApi | getProductFeatures | GET /products/{product_id}/features | |
ProductsApi | getProductGeolocations | GET /products/{product_id}/geolocations | |
ProductsApi | getProductGeolocationsByIp | POST /products/{product_id}/geolocations | |
ProductsApi | getProductGroups | GET /products/{product_id}/groups | |
ProductsApi | getProductImages | GET /products/{product_id}/images | |
ProductsApi | getProductScreenshots | GET /products/{product_id}/screenshots | |
ProductsApi | getProductSubscription | GET /products/{product_id}/subscription | |
ProductsApi | getProducts | GET /products | |
ProductsApi | getProductsFromProduct | GET /products/{product_id}/products | |
ProductsApi | getVideoGroupsFromProduct | GET /products/{product_id}/video-groups | |
ProductsApi | getVideosFromProduct | GET /products/{product_id}/videos | |
ProductsApi | searchProducts | GET /products/search/{search_query} | |
ProductsApi | setProductGeolocation | PUT /products/{product_id}/geolocations | |
ProductsApi | updateProduct | PUT /products/{product_id} | |
ProductsApi | updateProductGroupRestrictionBehavior | PUT /products/{product_id}/groups/behavior | |
ProductsApi | uploadProductCover | POST /products/{product_id}/cover | |
StatsApi | getCustomerGroupTotalWatched | GET /video-stats/customer-group | |
StatsApi | getCustomerSessions | GET /video-stats/sessions | |
StatsApi | getCustomerSessionsMultiple | POST /video-stats/{customer_id}/sessions | |
StatsApi | getCustomerVideoStats | GET /video-stats/customers | |
StatsApi | getVideoStats | GET /video-stats/videos | |
SubscriptionsApi | attachCategoriesToSubscription | POST /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/categories | |
SubscriptionsApi | detachCategoryFromSubscription | DELETE /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/categories/{category_id} | |
SubscriptionsApi | getDisabledSubscriptions | GET /videos/{video_id}/disabled-subscriptions | |
SubscriptionsApi | getProductSubscription | GET /products/{product_id}/subscription | |
SubscriptionsApi | getSubscription | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id} | |
SubscriptionsApi | getSubscriptionCategories | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/categories | |
SubscriptionsApi | getSubscriptionCoverImage | GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/cover | |
SubscriptionsApi | getSubscriptions | GET /subscriptions | |
SubscriptionsApi | uploadSubscriptionCover | POST /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/cover | |
SubtitlesApi | getSubtitles | GET /subtitles | |
SupportApi | createMessage | POST /support | |
SupportApi | getContacts | GET /support/contacts | |
TasksApi | createTask | POST /tasks | |
TaxRulesApi | getTaxRules | GET /tax-rules | |
VideoGroupsApi | getVideoGroup | GET /video-groups/{video_group_id} | |
VideoGroupsApi | getVideoGroups | GET /video-groups | |
VideoGroupsApi | getVideoGroupsFromProduct | GET /products/{product_id}/video-groups | |
VideosApi | attachCoverToVideo | POST /videos/{video_id}/cover | |
VideosApi | attachFeaturesToVideo | POST /videos/{video_id}/features | |
VideosApi | attachVideoToProduct | POST /products/{product_id}/videos | |
VideosApi | createSubtitle | POST /videos/{video_id}/subtitle | |
VideosApi | createVideo | POST /videos | |
VideosApi | deleteVideo | DELETE /videos/{video_id} | |
VideosApi | getCustomerHasAccessToVideo | GET /customers/{customer_id}/videos/{video_id}/has-access | |
VideosApi | getCustomerHasAccessToVideos | POST /customers/{customer_id}/videos/has-access | |
VideosApi | getDisabledSubscriptions | GET /videos/{video_id}/disabled-subscriptions | |
VideosApi | getVideo | GET /videos/{video_id} | |
VideosApi | getVideoAccess | GET /videos/{video_id}/customers/{customer_id}/access | |
VideosApi | getVideoBonus | GET /videos/{video_id}/bonus | |
VideosApi | getVideoCover | GET /videos/{video_id}/cover | |
VideosApi | getVideoDownloadUrl | GET /videos/{video_id}/download-url | |
VideosApi | getVideoFeatures | GET /videos/{video_id}/features | |
VideosApi | getVideoGeolocation | GET /videos/{video_id}/geolocation | |
VideosApi | getVideoGeolocationByIp | POST /videos/{video_id}/geolocations/{ip_address} | |
VideosApi | getVideoPlayer | GET /videos/{video_id}/player | |
VideosApi | getVideoSubtitles | GET /videos/{video_id}/subtitles | |
VideosApi | getVideoViews | GET /videos/{video_id}/views | |
VideosApi | getVideos | GET /videos | |
VideosApi | getVideosFromProduct | GET /products/{product_id}/videos | |
VideosApi | setVideoGeolocation | PUT /videos/{video_id}/geolocations | |
VideosApi | updateVideo | PUT /videos/{video_id} | |
WidgetsApi | getSliderImage | GET /widgets/slider/images | |
WidgetsApi | getWidgetAnalytics | GET /widgets/analytics | |
WidgetsApi | getWidgetFooterMenu | GET /widgets/footer-menu | |
WidgetsApi | getWidgetHookPhrase | GET /widgets/hook-phrase | |
WidgetsApi | getWidgetSlider | GET /widgets/slider | |
WidgetsApi | getWidgetSliderItem | GET /widgets/slider/{slider_id} | |
WidgetsApi | getWidgetTopMenu | GET /widgets/top-menu |
- Actor
- Actor1
- Actor2
- Actors
- Address
- Address1
- BlogCategory
- BlogCategoryLists
- BlogPage
- BlogPageLists
- Bonus
- CMSCategoriesLists
- CMSCategory
- CMSPage
- CMSPageLists
- Cart
- Cart1
- Cart2
- CartIDList
- CartPrice
- CartProduct
- CartRule
- CartRuleRestrictionGroup
- CartRuleRestrictionGroupItem
- CartRules
- Carts
- Categories
- Category
- Configuration
- ConfigurationList
- Contact
- Contacts
- Countries
- Country
- CreateExtractSubtitleRequest
- CreateVideoSubtitleRequest
- CredentialsValidation
- Currencies
- Currency
- Customer
- CustomerCreateRequest
- CustomerCurrentViews
- CustomerGroupVideoStats
- CustomerGroupVideoStats1
- CustomerId
- CustomerVideoStats
- CustomerVideoStats1
- Customers
- Device
- DeviceList
- Director
- Director1
- Director2
- Directors
- DownloadInformations
- Employee
- Employees
- Extract
- Feature
- FeatureValue
- Features
- FreeGift
- FreeGift1
- Gender
- Genders
- Geoloc
- GeolocSettings
- Geolocs
- Gift
- Gift1
- Gift2
- Gift3
- GiftToken
- Gifts
- Gifts1
- GoogleAnalytics
- Group
- GroupCreateRequest
- Groups
- I18nField
- IPCoordinates
- IPLocation
- Image
- Language
- Languages
- LogoSettings
- MediaFile
- MediaFiles
- MediaSource
- MediaSources
- OAuthToken
- Order
- OrderHistories
- OrderHistory
- OrderState
- OrderStates
- Orders
- Page
- PageLists
- Pagination
- PaymentArguments
- PaymentDetails
- PaymentDetails1
- PaymentMethods
- PaymentModule
- PaymentModules
- PaymentUrl
- PlatformAccessInfo
- Player
- PlayerConfiguration
- Playlist
- PlaylistUpdate
- Playlists
- PrepaymentBalance
- PrepaymentBonus
- PrepaymentBonus1
- PrepaymentOperation
- PrepaymentOperations
- PrepaymentRecharge
- PrepaymentRecharges
- Product
- ProductAccess
- ProductAccessInfo
- ProductAttribute
- ProductAttributeCreateRequest
- ProductAttributeCreateRequest1
- ProductAttributesResponse
- ProductCategories
- ProductIDList
- ProductIDList1
- ProductImagesResponse
- ProductPrice
- ProductPriceAttributes
- Products
- Products1
- Promotion
- RegistrationField
- RegistrationFields
- Screenshot
- SessionVideoStat
- SessionVideoStats
- SocialSettings
- Subscription
- SubscriptionAccesses
- Subscriptions
- Subtitle
- SubtitleFile
- SubtitleFiles
- Support
- SupportMessage
- Tag
- Task
- TaskCreateRequest
- TaxRule
- TaxRules
- Token
- Video
- VideoAccessInfo
- VideoCategory
- VideoFreeAccess
- VideoGroup
- VideoGroup1
- VideoIDList
- VideoIDList1
- VideoStat
- VideoStats
- VideoSubtitlesResponse
- VideoViews
- Videos
- Videos1
- Videos2
- WidgetFooterMenu
- WidgetFooterMenus
- WidgetHookPhrase
- WidgetHookPhrases
- WidgetSlider
- WidgetSliders
- WidgetTopMenu
- WidgetTopMenus