Welcome to RiftRanks, your go-to platform for discovering the latest and most accurate rankings of professional League of Legends teams. This project is dedicated to providing gamers and esports enthusiasts with up-to-date and reliable information about their favorite teams, backed by advanced technology and seamless integration of various services.
Methodology Details could be found at /src/docs/report_pca.docx
and /src/docs/report_trueskill.docx
More details about the project could be found here: https://devpost.com/software/rift-ranks
Demo Video link: https://youtu.be/e5jdRUxmruI
RiftRanks utilizes a robust tech stack to deliver its services:
Amazon Web Services (AWS): We leverage AWS services including EC2, Route53, and S3 to power our platform. EC2 ensures our Flask APIs run 24/7, guaranteeing real-time data. Route53 handles domain registration and links to EC2's IPv4 address, enabling secure HTTPS connections for our APIs. S3 stores our datasets, and in conjunction with TiDB, facilitates our 'Prompt2Data' search feature.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Our ranking system is based on PCA, allowing us to process vast amounts of data from the past three years of League of Legends matches, providing accurate and insightful team rankings.
- Flask
- BeautifulSoup
- Requests
- sklearn
- TiDB
- AWS SDKs (EC2, Route53, S3)
No need to install, everything is deployed properly and can access the webpage directly https://riftranks.webflow.io.
For any questions, issues, or feedback, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].
We extend our gratitude to Amazon Web Services for empowering our platform and the League of Legends community. Your support has made RiftRanks possible.