Black Jack Game for Overte virtual world.
The game need to have this Assignment Client Script running on your domain server:
In your Domain Server control panel, menu "Content > Scripts"
To import the Black Jack table in-world (in your domain):
From the "Create" application, from "Entity List" tab
Do "Edit > Import Entities (.json) From a URL"
Select this URL:
Note: Select the black Jack table to position table and seats.
By default the cards ar non-emissive. But if you need them emissive for any reasons, you can by simple enter "EMISSIVE_CARDS" in the "description" property of the blackjack table entity.
This will work with only one table per domain.
if for any reason you would like to run many Black Jack Tables, you will need to have a separated set of script and modify the communication channel in most of the scripts (Find & Replace):
var channelComm = "";
You can simply add a few characters to that string to make it different from the original one.
Make sure the url in the file INSTALL_BlackJackTable.json get modified accordingly to use the new set of scripts and resources.