This is a simple visual analysis of a Pocket dataset.
GitHub repository <>
D3.js <>
alfredjkwack/pockyt <>
Pocket <>
_ is an application for managing a reading list of articles from the Internet.
pockyt-analysis provides a simple analysis of the pocket data using the D3.js JavaScript library for bespoke data visualization . It relies on a fork of pockyt (a commandline client that interfaces the pocket API) to obtain the data as a json file.
Since this project is dependent on alfredjkwack/pockyt we will assume you have already installed it.
- Clone this repository: :code:
git clone
- Generate a json file of your pocket data: :code:
pockyt -json -o pocket-data.json
- Launch a local web server and connect to it with a browser: :code:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Tag usage frequency graph - Tag co-occurrence graph
Tag cloud - Tag pair arc diagram
- Tag usage frequency graph over time
- Tag pair heat map (what goes together and what does not)
- Filter entries by 1 or more tags
- Clean data set to remove Null entries (not sure what those are)
- [-] Highlight entries with no tags somehow
- Refactor code to be more modular
- Table : URL's with no title need some love to shorten
- Table : Sorting of the date column needs to be correct
- Table : Sorting of the columns should not lead to overflow
Table : Sorting of the columns should not lead to column widths changing - Table : Tags need a nicer color to match the theme
- Table : The table head has a little too much white space