Quoting from here: http://www.cfd-online.com/Forums/openfoam-news-announcements-other/106881-solid-mechanics-solvers-added-openfoam-extend.html#post547754
This toolkit supersedes the
FSI solver within the solidMechanics toolbox.
This framework was presented at the OpenFOAM Workshop 2014 in Zagreb:
The major improvement with regard to FSI coupling is the implementation of the IQN-ILS algorithm. Also, the plugin approach used for the solid and fluid solvers should allow easier extension to other fluid/solid models e.g. multi-phase, compressible, plasticity, etc.
For more details about this toolkit, including how to use and install/build it, check the associated wiki page: http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Extend-bazaar/Toolkits/Fluid-structure_interaction
solidMechanics toolbox: Philip Cardiff, University College Dublin.
FluidStructureInteraction toolkit: Zeljko Tukovic, P. Cardiff, A. Karac, H. Jasak, A. Ivankovic
- For proper punctuation of the names, please see the "slides" document listed above.
Original source came from the wiki page: http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Extend-bazaar/Toolkits/Fluid-structure_interaction
Further modifications made by Bruno Santos (wyldckat@github working at blueCAPE Lda):
- Gitified the source code.
- Adjusted the code for building properly with the more recent foam-extend 3.1 and 3.2
- Improved building organization for taking full advantage of parallel building.
Currently there are only two branches:
- fe30 - This branch will build as-is with foam-extend 3.0
- fe31 - This branch will build as-is with foam-extend 3.1
- fe32 - This branch will build as-is with foam-extend 3.2
Quick usage instructions:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/wyldckat/FluidStructureInteraction.git
- Checkout the right branch, e.g. for
cd FluidStructureInteraction
git checkout fe30
- Now build:
cd src
The same as foam-extend, namely GNU GPL v3. For more information, see the file LICENSE or COPYING, depending on the branch on this repository.