New features:
- Added 90s delay before restarting the stateful set, when ClickHouse server settings are modified. That makes sure ClickHouse server starts with an updated configuration. Before that there was a race condition between configmap updates and statefulset restart. The default timeout can be modified by 'spec.reconciling.configMapPropagationTimeout' property. See example
- Added 'troubleshooting' mode that allows pod to start even if ClickHouse server is failing. In troubleshooting mode liveness check is removed, and extra 'sleep' is added to the startup command. Controlled by 'spc.troubleshoot' property. See example
- Added a cleanup reconcilation logic that will remove k8s object that are labeled by a particular CHI but do not exist in the CHI manifest. The default behaviour can be altered with 'spec.reconciling.cleanup.unknownObjects' . See example
- ZooKeeper manifests have been modified to use 'standaloneEnabled=false' for single node setups as recommended in ZooKeeper documentation. ZooKeeper version has been bumped to 3.6.3
Bug fixes: