Using a dynamic array to store a hash table and implement chaining for collision resolution using a singly linked list. In an optimized hash map, the average case performance of all operations must be kept to O(1) time complexity. Chains of key/value pairs must be stored in linked list nodes.
The number of objects stored in the hash map will be between 0 and 1,000,000 inclusive.
Two pre-written classes are provided in - DynamicArray and LinkedList.
Using a dynamic array to store a hash table, and implement Open Addressing with Quadratic Probing for collision resolution inside that dynamic array. Key/value pairs must be stored in the array. In an optimized hash map, the average case performance of all operations must be kept to O(1) time complexity.
The number of objects stored in the hash map will be between 0 and 1,000,000 inclusive.
Using the pre-written DynamicArray class in Using a DynamicArray object to store your Open Addressing hash table.