We're going to build a sort of reverse hangman. The player can't lose; they just get to build a snowman by adding parts each time they guess a letter correctly.
Reinforce component architecture in React
Effective use props and state in React
We're going to build a sort of reverse hangman. The player can't lose; they just get to build a snowman by adding parts each time they guess a letter correctly. You will need to download these files and add them to your project:
Word List
Snowman Images (Unzip these before adding to your project)
degit Amheisern/react-project-template Snowman
##Explorer Mode
Selects a random word from the list and display a number of blank spaces (or underscores) equal to the word length.
Display a list of letters, A through Z as clickable buttons.
When the player guesses a letter (clicks the button):
All instances of that letter are revealed at their corresponding positions in the word.
The button becomes disabled, as it has already been guessed.
Display the snowman image that corresponds with the number of letters revealed in the word.
##Adventure Mode
After the word has been completed, offer the player to play again. Reset the state of the game without a page reload.
Use this API to get your random word