A Skript packet addon to replace ThatPacketAddon (which is not updated) with Skript 2.5.2+
- Recent version of Skript 2.10.0+
- Stable ProtocolLib dev build (does not work with v-5.1.0)
- Java21+
- It's highly recommended to use skript-reflect
- I have only tested mc 1.20.1 and 1.21.4 but should work in a lot of mc versions
The Minecraft server and your Minecraft client share information called "packets". Example of a packet:
- Any movement made by an entity
- Opening a gui to a player
- When the player use an item
The interest of manipulation of packets is to send fake information to a specific group of players, like display a fake diamond block (client side) instead of a tnt (server side). You can do a lot of things with packets, but it's really hard to understand how to use them ...
- This link can help you to identify the content of a packet: https://wiki.vg/Protocol
- This link can help you to identify the arguments of a packet: https://minidigger.github.io/MiniMappingViewer/
- The wiki is a good start : https://github.com/Anarchick/skript-packet/wiki/Examples
packet event play_client_held_item_slot:
broadcast "slot changed"
on packet event play_server_chat:
cancel event if "%field 0 of event-packet%" contain "block.minecraft.set_spawn"
Example of 1.16.X high level coding (does not work in other versions)
function BiomeStorage(biome: biome) :: object:
set {_id} to nms biome id of {_biome}
if {BiomeStorage::%{_id}%} is not set:
loop 1024 times:
set {_biomeId::%loop-value%} to {_id}
set {BiomeStorage::%{_id}%} to {_biomeId::*} as primitive int array
return {BiomeStorage::%{_id}%}
effect change client side biome of [chunk] %chunk% to %biome% for %players% :
await 0.toString() # Async
set {_chunk} to expression-1
set {_MapChunk} to new PacketPlayOutMapChunk(nms chunk of {_chunk}, 65535)
set {_packet} to new play_server_map_chunk packet
set field 0 of {_packet} to {_chunk}.getX()
set field 1 of {_packet} to {_chunk}.getZ()
set field 2 of {_packet} to {_MapChunk}.c # int
set field 3 of {_packet} to {_MapChunk}.d # NBTTagCompound
set field 4 of {_packet} to BiomeStorage(expression-2)
set {_byte::*} to ...{_MapChunk}.f
set field 5 of {_packet} to {_byte::*} # Primitive byte array
set field 6 of {_packet} to {_MapChunk}.g # Represent all Tiles Entities
set field 7 of {_packet} to true # Represent a full chunk, biomes are store only if true
set field 8 of {_packet} to true
set field 9 of {_packet} to {_} # Empty ArrayList
send packet {_packet} to expression-3 without calling event
command /biome [<biome>] [<int>]:
permission: fakebiome.cmd
delete {biome}
if arg-1 is set:
set {biome} to arg-1
send "Fake biome set to %{biome}%" to sender
on async packet event play_server_map_chunk:
{biome} is set
field 7 of event-packet is true # Represent a full chunk, biomes are store only if true
set field 4 of event-packet to BiomeStorage({biome})
More examples on the wiki