The Eying App is an object detection application built using Streamlit 🎪, capable of analyzing images for objects and annotating them with bounding boxes.
This app uses the Hugging Face Transformers library with Facebook detr-resnet-101
object detection model.
Eying App Demo: here
- Object Detection: Upload an image and detect objects present in the image.
- Annotation: Annotate detected objects with bounding boxes and confidence scores.
- Download Annotated Image: Download the annotated image with detected objects highlighted.
- Interactive Interface: User-friendly interface with options to upload images, analyze them, and view results.
To run the app locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd eying-app
Get an HUGGINGFACE_HUB API KEY to run the model used in this application:
- Visit
- Create an Account
- Go to settings
- Go to Access tokens
- Generate a token
Create a .env file inside eying-app and write: HUGGINGFACE_HUB_API_KEY="your-api-key"
Create a virtual environment and activate it following these steps:
python -m venv name_of_env source name_of_env\Scripts\activate
install all the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Get Streamlit working:
streamlit run
Be my guest and Enjoyy! ✨