A simple way to switch between controllers.
Just install the pod and it is ready to use!
- Swift >= 3.0
- iOS >= 8.0
pod 'ViewControllerDescribable'
And after in terminal run command
pod install
In your project create an enumeration like this:
extension UIStoryboard {
enum Name: String, StoryboardNameDescribable {
case main = "Main",
profile = "Profile"
Describe your view controller like this:
import ViewControllerDescribable
extension SecondViewController: ViewControllerDescribable {
static var storyboardName: StoryboardNameDescribable {
return UIStoryboard.Name.profile
And after push or present from view controller you have:
navigationController?.push(SecondViewController.self, configuration: { vc in
vc.firstName = "Hello"
- by Andrew Kochulab
- VK