ansible docker container with http wrapper
- ansible with http
- multiple execution with various branches during same time
- edit requirements.txt you need more python library
- when you do the following, the docker container 'ansible-http' is registered.
$ ./
$ cat config.yml
port: 1323
repository_url: [email protected]:you/your-ansible-playbook-repository.git
default_inventory: inventory_path_your_repository
default_verbose: -vv
default_branch: develop
key | value | description |
port | (1323) | (required) port number for http |
repository_url | (required) ansible playbook git repository | |
default_inventory | default inventory path | |
default_verbose | (-v,-vv,-vvv,-vvvv) | default verbose option |
default_branch | (develop,master,etc..) | default branch |
- docker run
$ docker run -d --name ansible-http -p 1323:1323 -v $PWD/config.yml:/ansible/config.yml ansible-http
- access test
$ curl localhost:1323/version
$ cat ssh/config
Host gitbucket
Port 29418
User git
IdentityFile /ansible/keys/gitbucket_key.pem
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
$ ls keys
$ docker run -d --name ansible-http -p 1323:1323 -v $PWD/config.yml:/ansible/config.yml -v $PWD/ssh:/ansible/ssh -v $PWD/keys:/ansible/keys ansible-http
(under construction...)
- GET /version
- Return ansible-http version, status: 200
- GET /ansible/version
- Return ansible version, status: 200
- POST /ansible/playbook/run
- Execute ansible-playbook
- Return ansible execution result
- parameters:
- playbook (required) - playbook file name
- inventory (required) - inventory file path
- limit - ansible limit option
- tags - ansible tags option
- skiptags - ansible skip-tags option
- extravars - ansible extra-vars option
- verbose - ansible verbose option
- dir - change directory option
- branch - git clone branch specification option
- test
- logger
- GET /ansible/playbook/list
- POST /ansible/command/run
- no block mode (not wait for execution result)
- notification task
- update echo version
- reuse workspace (with scheduled clearning dirs)