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(#642): replaced several old standard wave functions
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Ansible2 committed Jul 9, 2023
1 parent 10c895a commit 2689be7
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Showing 8 changed files with 186 additions and 260 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,4 +18,8 @@ Examples:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
[_startingWaveUnits] call BLWK_fnc_stdEnemyVehicles;
private _startingWaveUnits = call BLWK_fnc_getMustKillList;
[_startingWaveUnits] call BLWK_fnc_stdEnemyVehicles;

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
#include "..\..\..\Headers\Faction Map Ids.hpp"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function: BLWK_fnc_standardWave_vehicles
Roles for the chance of vehicles spawning during a wave.
Automatically sifts through available classes based on levels/wave number.
Will not spawn more then two vehicles which is already rare.
0: _availableInfantry : <OBJECT[]> - An array of units to choose from to crew the vehicles
1: _isDefectorWave : <BOOL> - Creates vehicles from friendly vehicle classes if used
<OBJECT> - The spawned vehicles
(begin example)
private _vehiclesArray = [myUnits] call BLWK_fnc_standardWave_vehicles;
Hilltop(Willtop) & omNomios,
Modified by: Ansible2
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
scriptName "BLWK_fnc_standardWave_vehicles";

#define VEHICLE_LIKELIHOODS [BLWK_lightCarLikelihood,BLWK_heavyCarLikelihood,BLWK_lightArmorLikelihood,BLWK_heavyArmorLikelihood]
#define VEHICLE_SPAWN_INCREMENT 0.05 // how much to increase likelihood by each round

if !(BLWK_currentWaveNumber >= BLWK_vehicleStartWave) exitWith {[]};

params [

if ((count _availableInfantry) < 2) exitWith {
["There is less than 2 infantry available to crew a vehicle"] call KISKA_fnc_log;

// special waves will not contribute to this count
private _roundsSinceVehicleSpawned = missionNamespace getVariable ["BLWK_roundsSinceVehicleSpawned",1];
// wait until it has been at least one round since a vehicle spawn to get another one
if (_roundsSinceVehicleSpawned < BLWK_minRoundsSinceVehicleSpawned) exitWith {
BLWK_roundsSinceVehicleSpawned = _roundsSinceVehicleSpawned + 1;

// each round increases the likelihood of a vehicle spawn by 5%
private _howLikelyIsAVehicleToSpawn = (_roundsSinceVehicleSpawned * VEHICLE_SPAWN_INCREMENT) + BLWK_baseVehicleSpawnLikelihood;
if (_howLikelyIsAVehicleToSpawn > 1) then {
_howLikelyIsAVehicleToSpawn = 1;

[["Vehicle spawn likelihood is ",_howLikelyIsAVehicleToSpawn],false] call KISKA_fnc_log;

private _howLikelyIsAVehicleNOTToSpawn = 1 - _howLikelyIsAVehicleToSpawn;
private _vehicleWillSpawn = [true,false] selectRandomWeighted [_howLikelyIsAVehicleToSpawn,_howLikelyIsAVehicleNOTToSpawn];
if !(_vehicleWillSpawn) exitWith {
BLWK_roundsSinceVehicleSpawned = _roundsSinceVehicleSpawned + 1;

missionNamespace setVariable ["BLWK_roundsSinceVehicleSpawned",0];

// decide what type of vehicles can spawn
private _vehicleTypeHash = createHashMap;
private _likelihoodWeights = [];
private _vehicleTypeValues = [];
private _vehicleClasses = [];
if (_isDefectorWave) then {
_vehicleClasses = BLWK_friendlyFaction_map get _x;

} else {
_vehicleClasses = [_x,false] call BLWK_fnc_getEnemyVehicleClasses;


if (_vehicleClasses isNotEqualTo []) then {
_vehicleTypeHash set [_x,_vehicleClasses];
_likelihoodWeights pushBack (VEHICLE_LIKELIHOODS select _forEachIndex);
_vehicleTypeValues pushBack _x;



if (_vehicleTypeValues isEqualTo []) exitWith {
["No vehicles to spawn for enemy factions, exiting",false] call KISKA_fnc_log;

private _returnedVehicles = [];
private _fn_spawnAVehicle = {
params [
// [str _likelihoodWeights,false,true,false] call KISKA_fnc_log;
// [str _vehicleTypeValues,false,true,false] call KISKA_fnc_log;
private _vehicleType = _vehicleTypeValues selectRandomWeighted _likelihoodWeights;

// Don't duplicate vehicles if possible for the sake of variety
if ((count _vehicleTypeValues) > 1) then {
private _index = _vehicleTypeValues find _vehicleType;
_vehicleTypeValues deleteAt _index;
_likelihoodWeights deleteAt _index;

[["Selected vehicle type: ",_vehicleType],false] call KISKA_fnc_log;

private _vehicleClass = selectRandom (_vehicleTypeHash get _vehicleType);
private _spawnPosition = selectRandom BLWK_vehicleSpawnPositions;
private _vehicle = _vehicleClass createVehicle _spawnPosition;

private _crewCount = 3;
private _topIndex = (_crewCount * _vehicleNumber) - 1;
private _bottomIndex = (_crewCount * _vehicleNumber) - _crewCount;
private _crew = _availableInfantry select [_bottomIndex,_topIndex];

private _group = createGroup (side (_crew select 0));
_group deleteGroupWhenEmpty true;
_group allowFleeing 0;

_crew joinSilent _group;
[_group,_vehicle] call KISKA_fnc_setCrew;
_crew doMove (getPosATL BLWK_mainCrate);

[BLWK_zeus, [[_vehicle],false]] remoteExecCall ["addCuratorEditableObjects",2];

_returnedVehicles pushBack _vehicle;
_vehicle addEventHandler ["KILLED", {
params ["_killedUnit", "", "_instigator"];

if (!(isNull _instigator) AND (isPlayer _instigator)) then {
// show a player hit points and add them to there score
[_killedUnit,true] remoteExecCall ["BLWK_fnc_event_killedEnemy",_instigator];

call _fn_spawnAVehicle;

// do a role for a second vehicle
// make sure there are enough AI to even crew a ground vehicle
if ((count _availableInfantry) > 1) then {
private _howLikelyIsASecondVehicleToSpawn = _howLikelyIsAVehicleToSpawn / SECOND_VEHICLE_DIVIDER;
private _secondVehicleWillSpawn = [true,false] selectRandomWeighted [_howLikelyIsASecondVehicleToSpawn,1 - _howLikelyIsASecondVehicleToSpawn];
if (_secondVehicleWillSpawn) then {
[2] call _fn_spawnAVehicle;


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