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HarmJ0y committed Dec 15, 2016
1 parent 59e6f94 commit ad32d6c
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Showing 14 changed files with 177 additions and 189 deletions.
106 changes: 53 additions & 53 deletions Recon/Get-ComputerDetails.ps1 → Recon/Get-ComputerDetail.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
function Get-ComputerDetails
function Get-ComputerDetail
This script is used to get useful information from a computer.
Function: Get-ComputerDetails
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Function: Get-ComputerDetail
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Expand All @@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ Switch: Outputs the data as text instead of objects, good if you are using this
Gets information about the computer and outputs it as PowerShell objects.
Get-ComputerDetails -ToString
Get-ComputerDetail -ToString
Gets information about the computer and outputs it as raw text.
This script is useful for fingerprinting a server to see who connects to this server (from where), and where users on this server connect to.
This script is useful for fingerprinting a server to see who connects to this server (from where), and where users on this server connect to.
You can also use it to find Powershell scripts and executables which are typically run, and then use this to backdoor those files.
Expand All @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Github repo:

[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSShouldProcess', '')]
Expand All @@ -50,14 +51,12 @@ Github repo:

Set-StrictMode -Version 2

$SecurityLog = Get-EventLog -LogName Security
$Filtered4624 = Find-4624Logons $SecurityLog
$Filtered4648 = Find-4648Logons $SecurityLog
$AppLockerLogs = Find-AppLockerLogs
$Filtered4624 = Find-4624Logon $SecurityLog
$Filtered4648 = Find-4648Logon $SecurityLog
$AppLockerLogs = Find-AppLockerLog
$PSLogs = Find-PSScriptsInPSAppLog
$RdpClientData = Find-RDPClientConnections
$RdpClientData = Find-RDPClientConnection

if ($ToString)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,29 +87,29 @@ Github repo:

function Find-4648Logons
function Find-4648Logon
Retrieve the unique 4648 logon events. This will often find cases where a user is using remote desktop to connect to another computer. It will give the
Retrieve the unique 4648 logon events. This will often find cases where a user is using remote desktop to connect to another computer. It will give the
the account that RDP was launched with and the account name of the account being used to connect to the remote computer. This is useful
for identifying normal authenticaiton patterns. Other actions that will trigger this include any runas action.
Function: Find-4648Logons
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Function: Find-4648Logon
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Retrieve the unique 4648 logon events. This will often find cases where a user is using remote desktop to connect to another computer. It will give the
Retrieve the unique 4648 logon events. This will often find cases where a user is using remote desktop to connect to another computer. It will give the
the account that RDP was launched with and the account name of the account being used to connect to the remote computer. This is useful
for identifying normal authenticaiton patterns. Other actions that will trigger this include any runas action.
Gets the unique 4648 logon events.
Expand All @@ -120,11 +119,12 @@ Gets the unique 4648 logon events.
Github repo:


$ExplicitLogons = $SecurityLog | Where {$_.InstanceID -eq 4648}
$ExplicitLogons = $SecurityLog | Where-Object {$_.InstanceID -eq 4648}
$ReturnInfo = @{}

foreach ($ExplicitLogon in $ExplicitLogons)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,18 +216,18 @@ Github repo:
return $ReturnInfo

function Find-4624Logons
function Find-4624Logon
Find all unique 4624 Logon events to the server. This will tell you who is logging in and how. You can use this to figure out what accounts do
network logons in to the server, what accounts RDP in, what accounts log in locally, etc...
Function: Find-4624Logons
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Function: Find-4624Logon
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Expand All @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ network logons in to the server, what accounts RDP in, what accounts log in loca
Find unique 4624 logon events.
Expand All @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ Github repo:

$Logons = $SecurityLog | Where {$_.InstanceID -eq 4624}
$Logons = $SecurityLog | Where-Object {$_.InstanceID -eq 4624}
$ReturnInfo = @{}

foreach ($Logon in $Logons)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,25 +362,25 @@ Github repo:

function Find-AppLockerLogs
function Find-AppLockerLog
Look through the AppLocker logs to find processes that get run on the server. You can then backdoor these exe's (or figure out what they normally run).
Function: Find-AppLockerLogs
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Function: Find-AppLockerLog
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Look through the AppLocker logs to find processes that get run on the server. You can then backdoor these exe's (or figure out what they normally run).
Find process creations from AppLocker logs.
Expand All @@ -390,9 +390,10 @@ Find process creations from AppLocker logs.
Github repo:

$ReturnInfo = @{}

$AppLockerLogs = Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker/EXE and DLL" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where {$_.Id -eq 8002}
$AppLockerLogs = Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker/EXE and DLL" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 8002}

foreach ($Log in $AppLockerLogs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,10 +435,10 @@ Function Find-PSScriptsInPSAppLog
Go through the PowerShell operational log to find scripts that run (by looking for ExecutionPipeline logs eventID 4100 in PowerShell app log).
You can then backdoor these scripts or do other malicious things.
Function: Find-AppLockerLogs
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Function: Find-AppLockerLog
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Expand All @@ -456,12 +457,12 @@ Find unique PowerShell scripts being executed from the PowerShell operational lo
Github repo:

$ReturnInfo = @{}
$Logs = Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where {$_.Id -eq 4100}
$Logs = Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 4100}

foreach ($Log in $Logs)
$ContainsScriptName = $false
$LogDetails = $Log.Message -split "`r`n"

$FoundScriptName = $false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -506,27 +507,26 @@ Github repo:

Function Find-RDPClientConnections
Function Find-RDPClientConnection
Search the registry to find saved RDP client connections. This shows you what connections an RDP client has remembered, indicating what servers the user
Search the registry to find saved RDP client connections. This shows you what connections an RDP client has remembered, indicating what servers the user
usually RDP's to.
Function: Find-RDPClientConnections
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Function: Find-RDPClientConnection
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Search the registry to find saved RDP client connections. This shows you what connections an RDP client has remembered, indicating what servers the user
usually RDP's to.
Search the registry to find saved RDP client connections. This shows you what connections an RDP client has remembered, indicating what servers the user usually RDP's to.
Find unique saved RDP client connections.
Expand All @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ Github repo:
$Server = $Server.PSChildName
$UsernameHint = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKU:\$($UserSid)\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers\$($Server)").UsernameHint

$Key = $UserSid + "::::" + $Server + "::::" + $UsernameHint

if (!$ReturnInfo.ContainsKey($Key))
Expand Down

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