Map data parser and utilities algorithms for maps and cells.
For installing using maven, add this dependency into the pom.xml
The first step for use Dofus map is to parse the map data to extract the cells information.
// Create the serializer
MapDataSerializer serializer = new DefaultMapDataSerializer();
// A cell cache can also be enabled to improve performance when loading multiple maps (like on a server)
DefaultMapDataSerializer serializer = new DefaultMapDataSerializer();
// Parse the cells data
CellData[] data = serializer.deserialize(mapEntity.mapData());
data[15].layer2().interactive(); // Check if the cell 15 has an interactive object
// Serialize map data
String mapData = serializer.serialize(data);
Encrypted cells are also supported, using the EncryptedMapDataSerializer :
DefaultMapDataSerializer serializer = new DefaultMapDataSerializer();
// A key is given on the GDM packet : use this key to decrypt map
if (!gdm.key().isEmpty()) {
// Deserialize the map data
CellData[] data = serializer.withKey(gdm.key()).deserialize(encryptedMapData);
} else {
// No key : simply parse the map
CellData[] data = serializer.deserialize(encryptedMapData);
To use map algorithms and utilities, the maps must implement the map interfaces.
Implements the MapCell :
// Simply extends AbstractCellDataAdapter.
// For custom implementation, implements MapCell instead.
public class MyCell extends AbstractCellDataAdapter<MyMap, MyCell> {
public MyCell(MyMap map, CellData data, int id) {
super(map, data, id);
// Implements other methods here...
Implements the DofusMap :
// Must implements DofusMap with the cell type as template parameter
public class MyMap implements DofusMap<MyCell> {
private final int id;
private final MyCell[] cell;
private final Dimensions dimensions;
// Other map fields...
public MyMap(int id, CellData[] data, Dimensions dimensions) { = id;
this.dimensions = dimensions;
this.cells = createCells(data);
public int size() {
return cells.length;
public Dimensions dimensions() {
return dimensions;
public MyCell get(int id) {
return dimensions;
// Other map methods...
* Create cells from map data
private MyCell[] createCells(CellData[] data) {
// The cells count is same as data length
MyCell[] cells = new MyCell[data.length];
// Wrap all cell data into a cell
for (int cellId = 0; cellId < data.length; ++cellId) {
cells[cellId] = new MyCell(this, data[cellId], id);
return cells;
Now, you can use the cell data to create the dofus map :
// Parse the map data
MapDataSerializer serializer = new DefaultMapDataSerizlizer();
CellData[] data = serializer.deserialize(entity.mapData());
// Create the map instance
MyMap map = new MyMap(, data, entity.dimensions());
map.get(15).walkable(); // Check if the cell 15 is walkable
Once the map is created you can compute movement path on it :
// Decorate the map with the Decoder
Decoder<MyCell> decoder = new Decoder<>(map);
// decode the movement game action
// Server side : the start cell is not sent by the client,
// so it must be provided on the decode method
Path<MyCell> path = decoder.decode(gameAction.argument(), character.cell());
// Client side : because the first cell is on the path, only the path should be provider
Path<MyCell> path = decoder.decode(gameAction.argument());
// Now, you can validate the path or perform operations on it; // Get the target cell
path = path.keepWhile(step -> step.cell().walkable()); // Truncate the path at the first unwalkable cell
// You can encode the path for sending to the client or server
path.encodeWithStartCell(); // Encode the path and force to set the start cell. This is required by the client.
path.encode(); // Simple encode the path. This is the method used by the client to send to the server.
You can also generate a path using the pathfinder :
// Get the pathfinder for the map
Decoder<MyCell> decoder = new Decoder<>(map);
Pathfinder<MyCell> pathfinder = decoder.pathfinder();
// Find the path
Path<MyCell> path = pathfinder.findPath(character.cell(), targetCell);
// You can configure the pathfinding algorithm :
.targetDistance(5) // Stop at 5 cells of the target
.addFirstCell(false) // Do not add the first cell (for client to server)
.findPath(character.cell(), targetCell)
Helper class for get cell coordinates (i.e. x, y) and some utilities methods.
MyMap map = getMap();
// Decorate the cell 15 with CoordinateCell
CoordinateCell<MyCell> cell15 = new CoordinateCell<>(map.get(15));
// Or use the helper method on the cell (preferred way : this method allows to cache the CoordinateCell instance)
CoordinateCell<MyCell> cell15 = map.get(15).coordinate();
// Get coordinates
CoordinateCell<MyCell> target = new CoordinateCell<>(map.get(42));
cell15.directionTo(target); // Compute the direction between cells 15 and 42
cell15.distance(target); // Compute the distance between the two cells
Helper for check if a cell is accessible following the line of sight.
Note: To works, the cells must implement BattlefieldCell.
MyMap map = getMap();
// Decorate the map
BattlefieldSight<MyMap> mapSight = new BattlefieldSight<>(map);
// Check the line of sight between two cells
if (mapSight.between(fighter.cell(), map.get(targetCell))) {
// The target cell is accessible from the fighter cell
} else {
// Error : cell is not accessible
// Same as above
if (mapSight.from(fighter.cell()).isFree(map.get(targetCell))) {
// The target cell is accessible from the fighter cell
} else {
// Error : cell is not accessible
// You can also use helper method on cell objects :
if (fighter.cell().sight().isFree(map.get(targetCell))) {
// ...
// Get all accessible cells from the current cell :
for (MyCell cell : mapSight.from(fighter.cell()).available()) {
// All cells are accessible
- Direction : Enum of all available direction with extract information
- CellMovement : Enum of cell movement values