This application is designed to anticipate the future by revealing the planets available and the space shuttles that travel between them.
- Name
- Size
- Number of moons
- Solar distance
- Flight name
- Departing planet
- Arriving planet
- Duration
- Price
On the main page you can see the list of planets and their properties. It is possible to add new planets to the list, edit and delete existing items. In addition, for each planet, you can list the paths that affect it in a different view.
Existing routes can be accessed in another view. For each planet, you can view the routes that affect it separately, but you can also view them all together. They can be edited in the same way as the planets. The view is shown for Jupiter:
The elements are created and edited in a simple form-based view where any attribute can be freely edited and then saved. After saving/editing the data, you are returned to the view from which you opened it.