A simple blog-style REST API built with Iron web framework in Rust. The application provides basic blog post functionality with in-memory storage.
- Create and retrieve blog posts
- JSON response format
- Logging middleware
- UUID-based post identification
- In-memory database implementation
- GET /post_feed - Retrieve all posts
- POST /post - Create a new post
- GET /post/:id - Get a specific post by UUID
├── database.rs - In-memory database implementation
├── handlers.rs - HTTP request handlers
├── main.rs - Application entry point
└── models.rs - Data models (Post)
- Iron - Web framework
- Router - URL routing
- Serde - Serialization/deserialization
- Chrono - DateTime handling
- UUID - Unique identifier generation
- Logger - Request logging
- Clone the repository
Run the server:
cargo run
The server will start at
"title": "Example Post",
"body": "Post content goes here",
"author": "Author Name",
"datetime": "2024-01-06T12:00:00Z",
"uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"