This is an IOT Automation project, it will provide the ability to monitor and control indoor\outdoor devices from anywhere. Project uses server side written in python, hardware written in C++ based on the ESP8266 chip, android application in Java, and small NodeJS server to support IOS clients.
What will you do:
- Choose Hardware - Use Raspberry Pi with Raspbian or VM/PC with Centos7 as your server.
- Rest API - Setup Django.
- Database - Setup MariaDB server to support all components.
- MQTT Broker - Setup Mosquitto server, And set full TLS encryption.
- Mosquitto Auth - Integrate Mosquitto Auth-Plug to Mosquitto.
- Message Listener - Setting up mqtt2db service, that will act as a listener injecting messages to database.
- Homebridge - Setup Homebridge Server With MQTT support so you could use iOS with this project.
- IOT Microchip - Use various custom devices, that you will build yourself, And clone NalkinsCloud-ESP8266 to ESP8266.
- Android - Clone NalkinsCloud-Android, build apk and start controlling your devices.
- iOS - Use Apple homekit application to control devices.
All services and code in this example will setup on the same machine, Centos7 or Raspberry Pi 4.9.59-v7+
installation described here
For setting up the project on Centos7 OS Download iso image,
If you need assistance to make the USB installation use this guide.
Based on: CentOS Linux 7 Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64
- For additional assistance please search on how to install the OS
If you use registered domain name and not dynamic IP address, I strongly recommend using Letsencrypt certificates instead of self-signed, If you do not have registered domain, I recommend using DDNS services as no-ip, This will allow you to use your own domain name pointing to your local WAN address, by installing an agent on the server (or even your router), the agent will constantly sync your dynamic ip address, so you will have access from public internet.
First install Ansible on your machine.
Clone repository:
git clone
install dependencies:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml
- You can update
vim NalkinsCloud/group_vars/all
, if vars are not updated, defaults will be installed. - Update
file, with relevant address of the destination installation, So if the host was set to192.168.0.10
as shown before, set this value.
ansible-playbook --inventory-file inventory \
--ask-become-pass --become --user [USERNAME] \
-e"mosquitto_host=[MOSQUITTO_HOST_GROUP] \
database_host=[DB_HOST_GROUP] \
django_hoss=[DJANGO_HOST_GROUP] \
mqtt_simulators_host=[SIMULATORS_HOST_GROUP]" \
NalkinsCloud/nalkinscloud_deploy.yml \
--key-file "[SSH_KEY]" -v
- if using default init raspberry installation use:
ansible-playbook --inventory-file inventory \
--user pi --ask-pass \
-e mosquitto_host=nalkinscloud_mosquitto \
-e database_host=nalkinscloud_database \
-e django_host=nalkinscloud_django \
-e mqtt_simulators_host=nalkinscloud_simulators \
nalkinscloud_deploy.yml -v
Once installation finished successfully, save all passwords from NalkinsCloud/group_vars/all file, I recommend using password management application like MacPass or KeePass for windows, Then you PERMANENTLY remove these password.
Ansible will store a .bks file at /tmp/[MOSUITTO_HOST]/etc/ssl/certs
on your local machine (by default),
This file will later be needed in order for the android app to work.
Go to Application
page in django admin, Please change domain with relevant IP\Domain.
Client type: Confidential
Authorization grant type: Resource owner password-based
Name: Android (To your choice)
And save
We have just created an application so django can serve clients
Please note for 'Client id' and 'Client secret' which are important for our clients to receive tokens.
Please walkthrough NalkinsCloud-ESP8266
Please walkthrough NalkinsCloud-Android