Thank you for your interest in the Software Engineer position at Arkesel. We appreciate the time you've taken to apply and would like you to participate in a coding challenge as the next step in our evaluation process.
The coding challenge consists of five questions that will help us assess your problem-solving skills, data structures, and algorithm knowledge. You can use any programming language of your choice to solve these problems.
Please find below detailed instructions, input format, output format, and additional requirements for each question.
Question 1 - Array Manipulation
Given an array of integers, write a function that takes the array and an integer 'k' as input parameters, and rotates the array to the right by 'k' positions. Your function should not use any additional data structures and should work in O(n) time complexity, where 'n' is the length of the array.
Input Format:
An array of integers, arr (1 <= arr.length <= 10^5, -10^4 <= arr[i] <= 10^4)
An integer k (0 <= k <= arr.length)
Output Format:
- The array of integers after rotating it to the right by k positions.
Question 2 - REST API Pagination
Imagine you are building a REST API for a blogging platform. Your API should return a paginated list of blog posts. Explain how you would design the API endpoint to handle pagination (page number and page size) and write a function that takes an array of blog post objects, page number, and page size as input parameters and returns the paginated results.
Input Format:
An array of blog post objects, posts (1 <= posts.length <= 10^4)
An integer pageNumber (1 <= pageNumber <= totalPages)
An integer pageSize (1 <= pageSize <= 100)
Output Format:
- An array of blog post objects, representing the paginated result.
Question 3 - Cache Implementation
Describe a caching mechanism you would implement to reduce the number of database queries for frequently accessed data in an application. Implement a simple function that simulates fetching data from the cache or the database based on the cache's status (hit/miss).
Input Format:
A string cacheStatus representing the status of the cache ("hit" or "miss")
A string data representing the data to be fetched (1 <= data.length <= 100)
Output Format:
- A string representing the fetched data.
Question 4 - String Compression
Write a function that takes a string as input and compresses it using the following rules:
Replace consecutive repeating characters with the character followed by the number of repetitions.
If the compressed string is not shorter than the original, return the original string. For example, given the input string "aaabbcddd", the function should return "a3b2c1d3".
Input Format:
- A string inputString consisting of lowercase English letters (1 <= inputString.length <= 10^4)
Output Format:
- A string representing the compressed string, or the original string if the compressed version is not shorter.
Question 5 - Tree Traversal
Consider a hierarchical structure representing categories in an e-commerce platform, where each category has a name and a list of subcategories. Implement a function that takes the root category as input and returns an array containing the names of all categories in the hierarchy using a depth-first search (DFS) traversal.
Input Format:
A CategoryNode object representing the root category. Each CategoryNode object has the following properties:
name: a string representing the category name (1 <= name.length <= 100)
subcategories: an array of CategoryNode objects representing the subcategories
Output Format:
- An array of strings containing the names of all categories in the hierarchy, traversed using depth-first search (DFS).