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Generate a simple changelog for your release.
$ npm install -g changelog-gn
$ changelog --help
$ changelog
-b, --base Specify the path of the git repo. By default, all file paths
are relative to process.cwd()
-c, --commitish The commit-ish from which you want to generate the changelog.
Default to `${latest-tag}..HEAD`
-p, --preset The preset to use in order to generate the change log. You
can chose `grunt`, `jquery` or `node` presets. If no preset
is specified, then a simple changelog will be generated.
-r, --release The version of the upcoming release. If not specified, the cli
will read the version from `package.json`.
-V, --verbose Output more detailed information
-h, --help Display this notice
$ changelog
$ changelog --base /home/github/changelog-generator
$ changelog -c 1.0.0..HEAD -p jquery -r 1.0.1
$ changelog
1.0.0 / 2016-02-23
* 1.0.0
* initial commit
$ changelog -c 1.0.0..HEAD -p jquery -r 1.0.1 -b /home/github/a-jq-project
1.0.1 / 2016-02-23
## Core
* Minor tweeks
* Make objects iterable
## Event
* Remove an internal argument
$ changelog -p grunt
date: 2016-04-15
- Add `Grunt` preset
- Refactor
- Satisfy XO -_-
- Add `Prepend to CHANGELOG.md` example (@wbruno)
$ # Prepend the generated changelog to `CHANGELOG.md`
$ echo -e "$(changelog -p node)\n\n$(cat CHANGELOG.md)" > CHANGELOG.md
MIT © Brahim Arkni