A simple component that implements CQRS pattern in .NET.
ExeCutor uses mediatoR component to create handlers for commands and events.
The main goal is bringing an abstraction with Standardized Interfaces to implements commands and integration events as well.
The package is built in .NET STANDARD 2.0 to enable your utilization in .NET FRAMEWORK and .NET CORE.
Create a simple Command
using ExeCutor; namespace CQRSImageDetails.Commands { public class RemoveImageCommand : ICommand { public int Id { get; set; } } }
Create a Handler to you Command
using ExeCutor; using CQRSImageDetails.Repository; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CQRSImageDetails.Commands { public class RemoveImageCommandHandler : CommandHandler<RemoveImageCommand> { private readonly RepositoryPostgres _repository; public RemoveImageCommandHandler() { _repository = new RepositoryPostgres(); } public override Task<CommandResponse> HandleExecution(RemoveImageCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken) => Task.Run<CommandResponse>(() => { return new CommandResponse { OK = _repository.DeleteImageDetails(command.Id) }; }); } }
A pre requirement to create an instance of executor that will enable you to send a Command or publish an Event is work with a container to register all Handlers of your application.
The mediator also requires a container to register your interfaces.
If you already use a container IOC in your project, just use it, but if not use I have a sample how to register with AutoFac component.
private static void UseServices(Type[] commands,
Type[] events,
Action<Executor> configureExecutor)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
void registerHandler(Assembly assemblyHandler, Type typeHandler)
var registredHandler = builder
foreach (var commandHandler in commands)
registerHandler(commandHandler.GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(IRequestHandler<,>));
foreach (var eventHandler in events)
registerHandler(eventHandler.GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(INotificationHandler<>));
builder.Register<ServiceFactory>(ctx =>
var c = ctx.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return t => c.Resolve(t);
var container = builder.Build();
if (configureExecutor != null)
Executor executorInstance = null;
new Type[]
new Type[]
(Executor instance) => { executorInstance = instance; }
After registration steps, just create the commands and events and use executor instance to send a command or publish an event.
await executorInstance.Send(new RemoveImageCommand { Id = 1 });
The complete sample solution is here.