Formulon is a tiny (<2000 LoC) form builder and storage service with a (future) focus on privacy. It provides HTTP REST apis to edit a blueprint of your form and to receive and validate the answers. Conditional branching in the form is supported but not yet tested in real conditions. It is expected that Formulon will support plugins to add new form field types with the built-in ones to be :
- text field
- multiple choice field
- single choice field
At moment of writting, this software is not production ready. I am working on this on my spare time, so it will release when it's ready.
- Scala 2
- Http4s
- Skunk
- Cats & Cats effect
- Circe
temporary list of features to be implemented
- CRUD form schemas for administrators
- maintain an history of the schema versions
- serve the forms
- store form answers related to the schema version
- authorization
- plugins and plugin advertisement to clients
- A running PostgreSQL database.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Navigate into the project directory
cd yourproject
# Assemble a fatjar
sbt assembly
At this point you should be able to move the jar from target/scala2.13
to your classpath.
Finally, run all migration scripts from 0-*.sql
(no scripts yet for that).
An HTTP server that allows the creation and serving of dynamic forms.
USAGE: formulon [OPTIONS]
--port PORT Port to listen from (default 8080)
--ip IP Ipv4 to listen from (default
--db-user USER The DBMS user to connect as (default "formulon")
--db-password PASS The password for this DBMS user (default "test")
--db-host HOST The host of the DBMS (default "localhost")
--db-port PASS The port of the DBMS (default "5432")
--db-database DB The database to connect to (default "formulon")
--help or -h Shows this message
java -jar formulon.jar
This project is licensed under a Non-Commercial License. You are free to:
- Use, copy, and modify the project for personal, educational, or research purposes.
You are not allowed to:
- Use this project or its derivatives for commercial purposes.
See the LICENSE file for full details.