Brad Frost's Atomic Design and Harry Robert's CSSGuidlines / ITCSS share the same fundamental approach - begin with simple elements / atoms and building up to complex groups of elements / molecules. This works in favor of the cascade and reduces CSS specificity issues.
Site Boilerplate (for IE 9 and upwards) utilizing the following principles:
- Atomic Design
- Object-oriented SCSS for modular development
- CSS guidelines / ITCSS scss structure
- Follows BEM to create clear CSS components but with less parent element name repetition and allowing low-level nesting.
- Sass compilation
- CSS autoprefixer
- JS concatination
- Sass error catching to prevent watch task falling over
- Browsersync for faster development, easier multi browser / device testing
- Image compression
- Pre-set font size management
- Minimal responsive grid
- Living style guide / patternlab / component library
- Flexbox sticky footer
- Basic accessibility guidelines
- Media query usage instructions
- Further elements / components to be added to style guide
- Convert grid system to flexbox
###Further Reading Harry Roberts and Brad Frost have strongly influenced the guidelines set out below and I highly recommend giving them a read.